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.The decision was taken out of his control for the moment, as Matt began to strip Declan.He obviously had a better idea of what he wanted because, once the shirt was on the floor, Matt’s face was buried against Dec’s collar bone, nipping and sucking and working his way down the center of Dec’s chest until he was on his knees.When Declan’s jeans got pushed down to his knees, his prick bobbed free, achingly hard.The hot swipe of a tongue startled him enough that he took a reflexive step back.Not exactly a bright move.He flailed and sat down suddenly on the bed behind him.If the bed hadn’t been there, he would have undoubtedly ended up sprawled on the floor.Matt snickered.“Damn, Dec, be careful.” He yanked Declan’s pants the rest of the way off.“Scoot back on the bed,” Matt suggested.Declan obeyed, and Matt crawled up the length of Dec’s legs to lie on top of him.For a minute his mouth was an all-out assault on Dec’s, tongue pushing between Declan’s teeth, then he was nibbling on the side of Dec’s throat.He was caressing and stroking Declan’s chest and sides and hips, his hands sliding under his body to knead his ass.Just about the time Dec thought he was going to come like some inexperienced teenager, Matt slowed.One hand was cupped against the back of Declan’s head; the other arm was wrapped around Dec’s waist, holding their bodies tight together but motionless.“I’m overwhelming you…sorry…” Matt whispered, his voice husky and low.Declan wanted to protest that he could handle whatever Matt wanted, but he couldn’t seem to get the words out.Matt took hold of Declan’s hand, guiding it down over his body, dragging it over a nipple and abs and groin, down over a hard cock and balls beneath, and up over a hip.“Would it help if I just put my hands behind my back and let you…do whatever?”“Yeah, I guess.”Matt rolled over and tucked his hands under the small of his back.It must have taken some iron control because Declan noticed how flushed Matt’s ivory skin was over his chest and throat and the leak of pre-cum from his cock.Declan hesitantly ran his hand over the flat stomach muscles and hard lines of hip bones.Hell, when had that little dip where the obliques cut in over top of the bone started to look like the perfect place for his tongue? He bent his head and tasted the skin there, licking in the direction of Matt’s dripping hard cock.That was the defining line, wasn’t it? If he sucked another guy’s prick, he stopped being straight, right? And if he chickened out, he wasn’t really answering the questions his head was torturing him with.He lapped up the deep rosy length of Matt’s prick.The taste was slightly salty, slightly musky, and he heard a little inhale from Matt.He glanced up toward Matt’s face.The man’s pupils were blown wide, his lips parted.For a moment Declan didn’t breathe.He wasn’t sure he’d ever had anyone look at him with that level of raw smoldering lust.“Do…something,” Matt said, a low growl in his tone.Declan opened his mouth and went down on Matt, slightly gagging himself because he misjudged how far he dipped his head.He swore mentally and tipped his head at different angle, wondering how appallingly bad he was at this.Maybe not too awful; Matt was making faint noises that sounded like he was really enjoying it.“Dec…gonna…close…”Oh.He recognized that warning and lifted his head fast enough to avoid most of the splatter.He wasn’t sure he could deal with the spit or swallow quandary.Matt pulled his hands out from under his body and hooked Dec under the armpits, dragging him back up the length of Matt’s body for a long, open-mouthed kiss.They lay plastered together for several minutes, Declan’s cock trapped in the warmth between their bodies.“Any chance you own lube?” Matt asked.“Uh…no.”“Then you’re going to have to let me up so I can go get it out of my bag.”“Do I even remotely want to know why you brought lube with you?”Matt grinned.“It cuts down on the friction problem when you jack off.”“And you were…No, forget it.Don’t tell me ‘cause this is messing with my head bad enough as it is.Just go get it.” Declan slid off onto the mattress.“You’ve had girlfriends.I’m guessing you have condoms?” Matt asked, halfway out the bedroom door.“Yeah, those I have.”Bottoming wasn’t something Matt did much of, but he rationalized if he represented an experiment in alternate sexuality for Dec, he might as well offer the whole deal.Getting fucked by the guy he’d been secretly drooling over for months certainly had its allure.Of course this was dependent on if that was what Declan wanted.Matt came back, lube in hand, and flopped on the bed next to Declan.“You know at some point I think the shaking from the inhaler stopped.Either that or you’re jazzed enough not to care.”“It’s not totally gone, but you could say I’m preoccupied with other things.”Skimming a hand down over Dec’s heavily muscled chest, Matt sucked a spot below one nipple until it left a faint mark.The near whimper that inspired in Dec amused Matt.“So…you want me to suck you off or you want to screw me or what?”Declan’s eyes widened.“I… I haven’t got a freakin’ clue.”“Okay, so screw me or, rather, let me ride you.”“Uh… okay.”Matt couldn’t quite decide if Dec looked rather confused or slightly panic stricken.He pulled a knee up toward his chest and squirted some of the lube on his own fingers and prepped himself a bit.Then he lubed up Dec’s fingers and guided them to the entrance.“You can finger fuck me a little first.”“Damn… are you sure I’m not gonna hurt you?”“If you do, I’ll complain,” Matt replied with a grin [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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