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.It couldn't, not really, not in her field of study.A hematologist squeamish at the sight of blood would be laughed out the profession.But the sheer amount of blood spilled over the white tile made her shudder at the memory."Did I get it all off?" she asked.She tilted her head back."Ah—I.ah, yes.I mean no.There's still a little." Robb blinked hard."What?" she said.Robb laughed softly and reached across the counter for a washcloth."You don't understand how tempting you are," he said.He twisted the washcloth under a stream of hot water.Liz flushed once she realized what he meant."Sorry," she mumbled."I don't.I can.""It's okay," Robb said.His voice was gentle, and he touched her chin lightly, his fingertips turning her head.She swallowed."Is it too late to make you promise not to drink my blood?" she said.A nervous cough of laughter burst from her.Robb paused, the washcloth pressed against the base of her neck."Liz, I would never do that if you didn't want me to," Robb said."I can control myself."His voice choked up with contrition and Liz wanted to take back her words.At the same time, she was relieved to have spoken aloud her fear.She got some measure of comfort from the fact that he was ashamed at her thinking it was a possibility."It's alright," she said."Last time was.I misunderstood.I thought you knew.I'm so sorry.""It's okay.""It's not!" Robb cried out, his voice strained.Then, more quietly: "It's not." His eyes shone, and Liz was shocked to see tears bead and trickle down his cheeks."I hurt you.""I forgive you."Liz went to wipe his tears away with her hand.His cheek smeared red, and he breathed in sharply, his nostrils flaring.She looked down at her hand.There was a cut on her inside of her knuckle."Oh my gosh, I'm sorry," she said, taking the washcloth from him and swiping it quickly along his cheek to clean it off."Just a little blood," Robb said.He caught her hand with his."Here," he said."Let me fix this for you."His strong fingers intertwined with hers.With his other hand, he raised a finger to his lips.He met her gaze with a calm, gentle intent.His dark hair fell over one eye."Is that okay?" he asked.Liz's mouth went dry at the thought.She nodded dumbly, too scared to say a word lest it come out as no.Robb opened his mouth slightly, baring his gums.The points of his fangs emerged above his canines at the gumline.Liz stood transfixed as he pierced the tip of his index finger with one fang.A bead of blood rose on his skin.Quickly he brought his finger down to hers and touched the cut.Liz focused her attention on her finger and was astonished at the sensations she beheld.It was itchy, sort of, the itch of bone knitting.Except this was skin and blood, the cells growing so quickly that she felt the tissue stretch tight across her wound and then thicken in place.After only a second, the new layer of skin was complete.She touched it in awe.She bent her fingers.The skin was pink and new, but entirely healed."Now let me get that spot on your neck," Robb said, running the washcloth under the sink faucet again.The hot water steamed up from the sink as he wrung out the white cloth.Liz leaned her head back.The washcloth pressed against her skin, and the wet heat of it was wonderful.Just a little blood.And now it was gone.Robb still caressed her skin with the washcloth, cradling her neck in his strong hands.She was sorry when his touch left her.He tossed the cloth into the sink.They were standing mere inches from each other, and neither of them moved."Why did you come back?" he asked, his voice soft."I.I forgot my lab notebook," she said.Robb burst out into laughter.The relief on his face and his hearty laugh were so contagious that Liz was laughing along with him before she knew it.She breathed more easily now.It was alright.The danger was over."Of all the times to come back into my apartment!" he said, shaking his head."I think you might need to give your butler a raise," Liz said."He does deserve it, doesn't he?" Robb said, laughing.“I need to tell you about everything he’s done for me.And how I got here.And why there was a dead body in my lab.”“You didn’t kill him, did you?” Liz said.A flash of fear struck through her suddenly, but when Robb spoke next she knew that she could trust him.“No,” Robb said.“Let me tell you the story.”“I would like that,” Liz said.It took the better part of an hour.Robb sat on the couch and explained his history to her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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