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.He barely made it to a side street before he pitched the contents of his stomach.He sat on the curb until the wave of nausea and dizziness passed, only to be replaced by despair.It was difficult to hold back sobs as he rested his head in his hands.How had this happened? Everyone knew that the Karanoks had started raiding the homes of suspected wizards, and Master Haraxius had always stressed the need for caution and secrecy.Yet it seemed the Karanoks had discovered Master Haraxius's secret regardless of the precautions he had taken.Now they were dragging him off to be tried and executed.Therescales' head was starting to clear, and the crowd was dispersing.He knew if he tried to enter the house now, someone would spot him and turn him in to the Karanoks.With nowhere to go and no idea what to do, Therescales started walking.Twilight fell while Therescales still wandered the streets aimlessly.He considered going to the Mage Society meeting by himself.Surely they had already heard of Master Haraxius's capture and would help.He remembered the location of the warehouse where they met, but what would he do once there? He didn't know any of the passwords.Master Haraxius had not yet shared those secrets with him.If only there were some way he could prove to them who he was, they would let him in.Perhaps he could show them something that only Master Haraxius would have.Yes, that was it.They would have to grant him entry then.With a plan firmly in mind, Therescales made his way back to Master Haraxius's house.He clung to the shadows, dashing from doorway to alley while keeping an eye peeled for passing patrols.It was just after midnight when he finally reached the house.He stood across the street, watching for several minutes.There were no guards standing outside or movement inside.In the silence, his heart pounded like the hooves of horses at a chariot race.Knots began to form in Therescales' stomach as fear and doubt ate away at his resolve.Finally, when waiting any longer meant nevergoing, he darted across the street.He fumbled through his pockets for the key, but as his hand pressed against the knob, the door creaked open.At that moment, Therescales almost fled.Yet, with eyes wide and mouth dry, he stepped inside.Light from the waxing moon shone only a few feet past the entry, forcing Therescales to feel his way through the dark.He had lived in this house for the past two years, though, and Master Haraxius had kept everything in the same place since Therescales had first arrived.It would be a simple matter to navigate around any obstacles as he moved toward his mentor's private study.Therescales turned to his left and entered the living room.It was sparsely furnished—Master Haraxius did not do a lot of entertaining—and Therescales took long, swift strides with confidence.Halfway through the room, something smacked Therescales in the shin and he grunted in pain."Well, what do we have here?"A light flared in front of Therescales.He closed his eyes and brought up a hand to further protect them from the sudden brilliance."Looks like Lord Jaerios was right." A new voice answered the first from behind Therescales."The 'prentice 'as returned to 'is master's 'ouse."Squinting in the light, Therescales could make out a figure sitting in a chair to his right.He held a lantern in one hand, and his legs were propped up on an ottoman.A spear lay across his lap.Therescales had run into the outstretched shaft of the weapon.Panicking, Therescales dashed for the front door but was grabbed from behind.He struggled but could not break the grip of the arms encircling him.The man in the chair got up and stood in front of him, leering.Something struck Therescales in the stomach, and all the air whooshed out of his lungs.He looked up in time to see the shaft of the spear streaking toward the side of his face.Therescales awoke stiff and sore.The side of his face throbbed where he had been struck by the spear shaft.His shoulders ached, and he could feel something biting into his wrists.He tried to move his hands, hoping to lessen the pain, only to discover they were bound.Awareness began to creep back through the fog of his mind [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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