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.So I spent several thousand dollars on a new one, just to keep up appearances.At this rate, I may have to go back to Mrs.Braxton for the money.“What do you think we should do about it?”“We?” I ask, with both brows raised.My eyes catch on a bus boy whose gaze lingers for far too long on Miss Holiday's heaving breasts.I can feel the muscles around my mouth tightening.“Yes, we.This is essentially my fault because of the whole,” Audra waves her fork around and then sticks a bite of filet mignon into her sumptuous mouth, “Mark thing.However, the one Clarice wants is you.Add these two things together, and this makes an us.” Audra pauses, reaching the fingers of her left hand out towards her wine glass.In some ways, she's ridiculously crude, but the way she clutches the stem, holds it to her lips, I can almost believe there's a bit of refinement straining to get out.The bus boy moves closer to us, and I give him a dark look.Immediately he retreats and gets the most primal message that can be passed amongst males: mine.Not, of course, that I'm certain I even want Audra to be mine, but I won't tolerate lechery while I'm out on a date.“Do you want to … take care of the bitch?” I laugh and the sound echoes around the restaurant.I so rarely pay a visit to places like this, but I feel comfortable.Perhaps I even like the idea of being on a date?“Take care of her? She's married to a man who owns a billion dollar corporation.If something happens to the young, white, blonde Mrs.Braxton, the police will try a hell of a lot harder than they will for Mark.”“So killing her is out of the question?” Audra asks, pausing and smiling politely when a waiter approaches and offers more wine.I order another bottle of the Quinta do Crasto Douro.It's not a very expensive vintage, but I've since learned that price doesn't always equate to perfection.In this particular case, the filet mignon's thick, buttery texture pairs well with the tannins found in this table red.“Absolutely out,” I confirm, reaching out and grabbing Audra's pale hand.My thumb runs gently over her knuckles.To any onlookers, it might appear that I'm simply caressing my lover's hand.In all reality, I'm giving her a firm squeeze, letting the darkness and the anger that's swirling around inside my chest pass between us.Audra tears her hand away.“Okay, I get it.So what are we going to do?”“I haven't the faintest idea,” I admit, taking a sip of my wine and closing my eyes tight.By the time I arrive home, this whole Robbie fiasco should be on its way to working itself out.Of course, that doesn't solve the sexual and somewhat romantic complications that seem to be ensuing.I suppose I'll worry about Clarice's threat first, and that later.“Why not just fuck her and be done with it?”“I'm not a whore,” I state plainly and Audra sighs, poking at her steak with a fork.Mine would have been better, I think, examining the cook on the meat.Unfortunately, my private little sanctuary has been turned into a fucking circus.If worse comes to worst, I may have to move.“Besides, I don't enjoy being threatened.I have to put Mrs.Braxton in her place somehow or another.”Audra thinks on this for a moment, tilting her head back to stare up at the tin tiles on the ceiling.They're painted a soft cream color, the perfect compliment to the rich harvest orange that borders the coved ceiling.In the center of it all, a chandelier hangs heavy and low, the bright lights reflecting off the crystals and casting tiny shadows on Audra's sculpted cheekbones.I want to bite them.I tap my fingers on the tablecloth and smile wickedly.I don't expect Audra to come up with a solution or even to help me out at all.Yes, we have some things in common and the sex is fantastic, but what does that even mean? Does my connection with Robbie make the one I feel with Audra insignificant? Or is it vice versa? Or maybe having a connection with two girls at once negates them both?“Last night,” Audra begins, lowering her head and looking across the table at me, “I didn't get the chance to really talk with you.I wanted to bring up some other options.I mean, besides me being your … business partner.” The waiter approaches again, interrupting, and takes away our plates, putting a dessert menu in their place atop the burgundy tablecloth.“The answer is still no,” I say, finishing off my wine and pouring myself another glass.The waiter's supposed to take care of that service, but I don't want to wait.I need the alcohol to go straight to my head tonight.It's the only way I'm going to be able to make it through until morning.“I figured as much,” Audra says with a sigh.Her green eyes travel to the left, over the railing near our table and down, to the dance floor where couples sway to the sweet sounds of live classical music.They dance in rhythm, as if this is all perfectly choreographed, performing movements that have been perfected over the centuries.“What about … partnering up for something else.” Audra clears her throat and runs her finger down the dessert menu, smiling as she peruses the contents.“Tiramisu, huh? I don't think I've ever had it.”“It's delectable.”Her eyes snap up to mine.“You're buying?”“I don't take a woman out on a date and expect her to pay.It's simply … barbaric.” I smile and sip my wine, leaning back into the chair.“Of course, I am a raging feminist, so if you insist, I'll allow you to chip in, but I'd prefer to pay.”“You won't see any arguing on my end.” Audra sets her menu on the edge of the table.“Lucas, I've been thinking about Mark, about how you said you would've handled things differently.The question is, how? That's what I want to know.”“You want to learn how to … kill people, and get away with it?” Audra shrugs and sighs, downing the rest of her wine and smiling tightly as the waiter steps up to the table and pours her more.He takes our dessert orders and retreats, reminding me why I like eating at home so much better.No interruptions.“It soothes the screaming inside in a way nothing else can.”“Except for sex,” I remind her, leaning forward and reaching out a hand.I think about asking her to be my client, but the words seem hollow and forced.Clients.I don't much feel like visiting any of my clients right now.Clarice is fucking insane, Margarite is a mouthy asshole, and Pamela … I don't think I could ever visit Pamela again knowing that she abandoned Audra.In fact, Pamela Tribbard could very well be the reason that Audra has demons in the first place.If she'd rescued her daughter, taken care of her the way a parent should, well, I suppose we'll never know, but I can take an educated guess [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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