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.Once he was liberated, the voice attempted to move him again.Now, go back to your room.Monson remained standing, as still and unmoving as the trees around him.He wanted to move.He wanted to flee.He just…couldn’t.Icy pinpricks of chilled water struck his skin as rain poured down fast and furious.Perfect.He stood motionless in the freezing cold rain, feeling it suck the warmth from his body.He looked at his hand as the lingering sensation of her touch started to fade away.Cyann’s words came to him.“So vibrant and happy ….”His inner voice returned.Ask the question.Monson shook his head.You have to ask the question.Monson answered himself, shouting, “No!”You’re a liar, Monson Grey.“I know….”But the only one who fell for it was you.“I know.”You are a liar.“I KNOW!” A scream, scratchy and cracked, left him hoarse.Monson punched the tree closest to him, speaking softly.“You’re right, Cyann.”He punched again.“You were right about everything.”He punched the tree a third time.“How?”He punched it a fourth time.“How could you know that?”A fifth time.“How could you know any of that?”A sixth time.A seventh time.An eighth time.Monson felt warm liquid trickle from his hands.“Stupid girl, I don’t know how else to be.Think of what you’re asking try to to step into somebody else’s-my nightmare and please….”His face turned skyward.“Please.try not to see so clearly.”Monson sunk to his knees as freezing cold water mixed with the warmth of his blood and tears.***Monson heard Casey’s voice.“Grey, you are so dead.”Casey and Artorius burst through Monson’s bedroom door.Monson looked up from his book, adjusting his position on the window seat, and glanced at the wall clock.7:30, huh? thought Monson.Took you guys longer than I thought it would.Where did you think I went?“What did I do?” Monson skimmed the faces of his two friends.“You two look upset-is something wrong?”Casey and Artorius tripped over their words.They glanced at each other and laughed.“Go ahead, Arthur.”Artorius gave Casey a spiteful look, but quickly turned his attention to Monson.“Never mind the fact that you escaped without saying anything and disappeared again.We’ll get to that.But now…now you have some questions to answer.”Casey nodded his approval.“You,” said Artorius while pointing at Monson.“Cyann.”He pointed towards the direction of the girl’s dormitory.“Explain.”“It’s good to see you too, Arthur.”“I’m going to ignore the use of that name for the moment.” Artorius was trying to sound dignified.“Don’t try and cloud the issue.What’s going on with you and Cyann? Are you guys together? How did this happen? Did you guys kiss? Or…?”Monson blushed crimson.“Don’t be ridiculous.We haven’t done anything like that.”Artorius’ face reddened.“But you were holding hands!”Monson rolled his eyes.“Yes, I grabbed her hand for a moment or two.”Casey broke in, patting Artorius on the back.“Down, boy.”Ignoring Artorius’ glare, Casey questioned Monson.“She was saying something about understanding you.What was that all about?”Monson stuttered on his words, nearly choking on his own embarrassment.“You-you were listening…that whole time?”“Listening? Of course we were listening.I’m just sorry I didn’t videotape it.I could have taken you on the lecture circuit with the slogan, “Can’t get a girlfriend? Don’t lose hope! Monson Grey will show you the way!”Artorius and Monson gave Casey that familiar look.The one reserved just for him.“Anyway, while I’m working on your book deal, why don’t you tell us what she was on about.”Even though Monson was annoyed, he felt inclined to answer.“She was just curious about a certain aspect of my rather peculiar personality.”Casey broke in.“Her words or yours?”Monson’s eyes flew up [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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