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.“The Patrick McGrath?” Gareth questioned abruptly as he looked frowningly at the other man.Patrick smiled—a smile that didn’t reach the cold grey of his eyes.“I very much doubt there’s only one Patrick McGrath in the world,” he answered the other man tauntingly.“We really should be going in, Patrick,” Ellie put in determinedly as she saw the light of challenge that had now appeared in both men’s eyes.“If you’ll excuse us, Gareth?” she added dismissively, not giving him a second glance as she turned and walked in the direction of the main restaurant, Patrick at her side, his arm still firmly about her waist.Not quite the way she had envisaged the evening beginning!But then she hadn’t expected Patrick to kiss her either…Why on earth had he kissed her? Just for effect, as his words afterwards had seemed to imply? Well, he couldn’t even begin to imagine the effect his unexpected behaviour had had on her!She could still feel the sensuous touch of his lips against hers, still feel the hardness of his body as she moulded perfectly against him, the warmth that had coursed through her, that totally not-knowing-where-she-was-and-not-caring-either feeling.As for Gareth! Amazingly, she had felt absolutely nothing as she’d looked at him just now.Except perhaps a vague disbelief that she had ever been taken in by his overt good looks and charm…What did it all mean…?But as they walked into the restaurant and Patrick was greeted effusively by her boss, George Delacorte, Senior Partner at Delacorte, Delacorte and Delacorte, Ellie knew she would have to get back to that particularly puzzling question later!CHAPTER THREE“I HAD no idea you were going to be here with Ellie this evening, Patrick.” The older man greeted him warmly and the two men shook hands.George Delacorte was a tall, distinguished-looking man with iron-grey hair and twinkling brown eyes that belied the shrewd trial lawyer he actually was.“You should have told me, Ellie,” he chided teasingly.Told him what? Until a few seconds ago she hadn’t even known that he and Patrick were acquainted! Patrick certainly hadn’t mentioned that he knew the older man.“How are Anne and Thomas?” George smiled.“Very well, thank you, sir,” Patrick replied smoothly, his arm still lightly about Ellie’s waist, almost as if he weren’t aware that she was staring up at him in amazement.Why hadn’t he told her he knew George Delacorte? It was obvious from the easy way he was talking with the older man that Patrick had been perfectly well aware that he would be seeing the other man this evening! In fact, she knew that he had; she had told him herself that it was the Delacorte Christmas dinner!“And Teresa?” the older man continued lightly.“Breaking hearts, as usual?”Patrick shrugged.“I think she might finally have met ‘the one’,” he answered indulgently.“Good for her.” George chuckled.Who on earth were Anne and Thomas—let alone Teresa? Ellie realised she really should have asked Patrick for a few more personal details.And maybe she would have done if she had known they would be relevant to this evening!“I must just go and tell Mary you’re here; she’ll be so pleased to see you,” George said happily.“Sarah is here too—somewhere.” He frowned.“You’re coming to the family party tomorrow?” he prompted abruptly.“Of course,” Patrick assured him.“Bring Ellie, too,” George went on with a smile in her direction.“If you would like to come, my dear?” he added gently.She had no idea what party either of these two men were talking about!“I’m not sure what Ellie’s plans are for tomorrow.” Patrick was the one to answer smoothly.“We’ll let you know.”“Of course,” George accepted briskly.“I’ll just go and find Mary.” He gave them another smile before going off in search of his wife.“So that was the infamous Gareth,” Patrick murmured thoughtfully once the two of them were alone.“I have to say, Ellie, I wasn’t very impressed.” He shrugged.“Never mind Gareth for now—who are Anne, Thomas and Teresa?” Ellie hissed explosively.“And how is it that you know George Delacorte?”“He’s my uncle,” Patrick told her dismissively, at the same time looking interestedly at the forty or so other Delacorte staff in the room [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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