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.At night her neighbor's house looks like an immense lantern lit up.There is a fountain in the front courtyard, where tall palms and cacti have been wound with strands of colorful lights for the holidays.An inflated green Grinch scowls near the soaring double glass doors, a festive touch that Lucy would find comical if someone else lived inside.In the upper left side of the door frame is a camera that is supposed to be invisible, and as she presses the doorbell she imagines her image filling a closed-circuit video screen.No response, and she presses the button again.Still there is no answer.Okay.I know you're home because you picked up your newspaper and the flag is up on your mailbox, she thinks.I know you're watching me, probably sitting right there in the kitchen staring at me on your video screen, got the Aiphone up to your ear to see if I'm breathing or talking to myself, and it just so happens I'm doing both, idiot.Answer your damn door or I'll stand out here all day.This goes on for maybe five minutes.Lucy waits in front of the heavy glass doors, imagining what the lady is seeing on the video screen and deciding she can't look threatening in jeans, t-shirt, fanny pack, and running shoes.But she has to be annoying as she keeps pressing the bell.Maybe the lady is in the shower.Maybe she isn't looking at the video monitor at all.Lucy rings once more.She's not going to come to the door.I knew you wouldn't, idiot, Lucy silently says to the lady.I could be standing out here having a heart attack on camera and you couldn't be bothered.I guess I'm going to have to make you come to the door.She envisions Rudy pulling out his fake ID to scare the hell out of the Hispanic not even two hours earlier, and she decides, All right then, let's try this and see what you do now.Slipping a thin black wallet out of the back pocket of her tight-fitting jeans, she flashes a badge up close to the not-so-secret camera."Hello," she says out loud."Police.Don't be alarmed, I live next door, but I'm a cop.Please come to the door." She rings the bell again and continues holding up her fake credentials directly in front of the pinhole camera.Lucy blinks in the sunlight, sweating.She waits and listens but doesn't hear a sound.Just when she is about to flash her fake badge again, suddenly there is a voice, as if God is a bitchy woman."What do you want?" asks the voice through an invisible speaker near the so-called invisible camera on the upper door frame."I've had a trespasser, ma'am," Lucy replies."I think you might want to know what's happened next door at my house.""You said you're the police," the unfriendly voice accuses, and the accent is deeply southern."I'm both.""Both what?"Both the police and your neighbor, ma'am.My name's Tina.I wish you'd come to the door."Silence, then in less than ten seconds, Lucy sees a figure floating toward the glass doors from the inside, and that figure becomes a woman in her forties dressed in a tennis warm-up suit and jogging shoes.It seems to take her forever to get all the locks undone, but the neighbor does and deactivates the alarm and opens one of the glass doors.At first, she doesn't seem to have any intention of inviting Lucy in, but stands in the doorway, staring at her without a trace of warmth."Make this quick," says the lady."I don't like strangers and have no interest in knowing my neighbors.I'm here because I don't want neighbors.In case you haven't figured it out, this isn't a neighborhood, anyhow.It's where people come to be private and left alone.""What isn't?" Lucy warms up to her task.She recognizes the tribe of the self-consumed, curdled rich and plays a little naive."Your house isn't or the neighborhood isn't?""Isn't what?" The woman's hostility is briefly supplanted by bewilderment."What are you talking about?""What's happened next door at my house.He was back," Lucy replies, as if the woman knows exactly what she means."Could have been early this morning, but I'm not sure because I was out of town most of yesterday and last night and just landed in Boca on the helicopter.I'm sure I know who he's after but I'm worried about you.It certainly wouldn't be fair if you got caught in the wake, if you know what I mean.""Oh," she says, and she has a very nice boat docked off the seawall behind her house and knows exactly what wake is and how unfortunate and possibly destructive it is to be caught in it."How can you be police and live in a house like that?" she asks without looking in the direction of Lucy's salmon-colored Mediterranean mansion."What helicopter? Don't tell me you have a helicopter too.""Lord, you're getting warm," Lucy says with a resigned sigh."It's a long story.It's all connected to Hollywood, you know.I just moved here from L.A., you know.I should have stayed in Beverly Hills where I belong, but this damn movie, excuse my French.Well, I'm sure you've heard all about what happens when you make a movie deal, and all that goes into it when they plan on filming on location.""Next door?" Her eyes open wide."They're filming a movie next door at your house?""I really don't think it's a good idea for us to have this conversation out here." Lucy looks around cautiously."Do you mind if I come in? But you've got to promise this is all between us chickens.If word got out.well, you can imagine.""Ha!" The woman points a finger at Lucy and gives her a toothy smile."I knew you were a celebrity.""No! Please don't tell me I'm that transparent!" Lucy says with horror as she walks into a minimally furnished living room, all in white, with a two-story-high glass wall that overlooks the granite-paved patio, the pool, and the twenty-seven-foot speedboat that she seriously doubts her spoiled, vain neighbor knows how to start, much less sail.The name of the boat is It's Settled, the port of call supposedly Grand Cayman, a Caribbean island that has no income tax."That's quite a boat," Lucy says as they sit on white furniture that seems suspended between the water and sky.She sets a cell phone on the glass coffee table."It's Italian." The woman smiles a secretive, not-so-nice smile."Reminds me of Cannes," Lucy says."Oh yes! The film festival.""No, not that so much.The Ville de Cannes, the boats, oh the yachts.Just past the old clubhouse you turn on Quai Number One, very near the Poseidon and Amphitrite boat rentals out of Marseilles.Nice fellow who works there, Paul, drives this bright yellow old Pontiac, a strange sight to see in the South of France.You just keep walking past the storage units, turn on Quai Number Four, and go to the end toward the lighthouse.I've never seen so many Mangustas and Leopards in my life.I once had a Zodiac with a pretty muscular Suzuki engine, but a big boat? Who has the time? Well, maybe you do." She gazes at the dry-docked speedboat."Of course, the sheriff's department and Customs will nail you good if you go more than ten miles an hour in that thing through here."The lady is clueless.She is pretty but not in a way that Lucy finds appealing.She looks very rich and pampered and addicted to Botox, collagen, thermal treatments, whatever new magic is offered by the dermatologist.It may have been years since she was able to frown.But then, she doesn't need negative facial gestures.For her face to look angry and mean would be redundant."As I said, I'm Tina.And you are.?""You can call me Kate.That's what my friends call me," the spoiled rich lady replies."I've been in this house for seven years and never once has there been a problem, except with Jeff, who I am happy to report is off living his life in the Cayman Islands, among other places [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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