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.At the least he shall deliver one twelfth portion of the treasure unto Bard, asthe dragon-slayer, and as the heir of Girion.From that portion Bard willhimself contribute to the aid of Esgaroth; but if Thorin would have thefriendship and honour of the lands about, as his sires had of old, then he willgive also somewhat of his own for the comfort of the men of the Lake." ThenThorin seized a bow of horn and shot an arrow at the speaker.It smote into hisshield and stuck there quivering.'"Since such is your answer," he called in return, "I declare the Mountainbesieged.You shall not depart from it, until you call on your side for a truceand a parley.We will bear no weapons against you, but we leave you to yourgold.You may eat that, if you will!"With that the messengers departed swiftly, and the dwarves were left toconsider their case.So grim had Thorin become, that even if they had wished,the others would not have dared to find fault with him; but indeed most of themseemed to share his mind-except perhaps old fat Bombur and Fili and Kili.Bilbo, of course, disapproved of the whole turn of affairs.He had by now hadmore than enough of the Mountain, and being besieged inside it was not at allto his taste."The whole place still stinks of dragon," he grumbled to himself, "and it makesme sick.And cram is beginning simply to stick in my throat."Chapter 16A Thief in the NightNow the days passed slowly and wearily.Many of the dwarves spent their timepiling and ordering the treasure; and now Thorin spoke of the Arkenstone ofThrain, and bade them eagerly to look for it in every comer."For the Arkenstone of my father," he said, "is worth more than a river of goldin itself, and to me it is beyond price.That stone of all the treasure I nameunto myself, and I will be avenged on anyone who finds it and withholds it."Bilbo heard these words and he grew afraid, wondering what would happen, if thestone was found-wrapped in an old bundle of tattered oddments that he used as apillow.All the same he did not speak of it, for as the weariness of the daysgrew heavier, the beginnings of a plan had come into his little head.Things had gone on like this for some time, when the ravens brought news thatDain and more than five hundred dwarves, hurrying from the Iron Hills, were nowwithin about two days' march of Dale, coming from the North-East."But they cannot reach the Mountain unmarked," said Rac, "and I fear lest therebe battle in the valley.I do not call this counsel good.Though they are agrim folk, they are not likely to overcome the host that besets you; and evenif they did so, what will you gain? Winter and snow is hastening behind them.How shall you be fed without the friendship and goodwill of the lands aboutyou? The treasure is likely to be your death, though the dragon is no more!"'But Thorin was not moved."Winter and snow will bite both men and elves," hesaid, "and they may find their dwelling in the Waste grievous to bear.With myfriends behind them and winter upon them, they will perhaps be in softer moodto parley with."That night Bilbo made up his mind.The sky was black and moonless.As soon asit was full dark, he went to a corner of an inner chamber just within the gateand drew from his bundle a rope, and also the Arkenstone wrapped in a rag.Thenhe climbed to the top of the wall.Only Bombur was there, for it was his turnto watch, and the dwarves kept only one watchman at a time."It is mighty cold!" said Bombur."I wish we could have a fire up here as theyhave in the camp!""It is warm enough inside," said Bilbo."I daresay; but I am bound here till midnight," grumbled the fat dwarf."Asorry business altogether.Not that I venture to disagree with Thorin, may hisbeard grow ever longer; yet he was ever a dwarf with a stiff neck.""Not as stiff as my legs," said Bilbo."I am tired of stairs and stonepassages.I would give a good deal for the feel of grass at my toes.""I would give a good deal for the feel of a strong drink in my throat, and fora soft bed after a good supper!""I can't give you those, while the siege is going on.But it is long since Iwatched, and I will take your turn for you, if you like.There is no sleep inme tonight.""You are a good fellow, Mr.Baggins, and I will take your offer kindly.Ifthere should be anything to note, rouse me first, mind you! I will lie in theinner chamber to the left, not far away.""Off you go!" said Bilbo."I will wake you at midnight, and you can wake thenext watchman." As soon as Bombur had gone, Bilbo put on his ring, fastened hisrope, slipped down over the wall, and was gone.He had about five hours beforehim.Bombur would sleep (he could sleep at any time, and ever since theadventure in the forest he was always trying to recapture the beautiful dreamshe had then); and all the others were busy with Thorin.It was unlikely thatany, even Fili or Kili, would come out on the wall until it was their turn.Itwas very dark, and the road after a while, when he left the newly made path andclimbed down towards the lower course of the stream, was strange to him.Atlast he came to the bend where he had to cross the water, if he was to make forthe camp, as he wished.The bed of the stream was there shallow but alreadybroad, and fording it in the dark was not easy for the little hobbit.He wasnearly across when he missed his footing on a round stone and fell into thecold water with a splash.He had barely scrambled out on the far bank,shivering and spluttering, when up came elves in the gloom with bright lanternsand searched for the cause of the noise."That was no fish!" one said."There is a spy about.Hide your lights! Theywill help him more than us, if it is that queer little creature that is said tobe their servant [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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