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.“She’s telling the truth,” Mom said firmly.“I can tell when she’s lying.I’ve had a lot of experience with that.”That last sentence stung.I bit my lip, lowering my gaze to my hands.“So you’ve lied to your mom a lot?” Mr.Roth didn’t miss a beat.He jumped right on Mom’s statement.I rolled my eyes.“She’s over-exaggerating.”“But you are a good actress, I understand.”My head snapped up at his words.“What is that supposed to mean?”“I’m just trying to prepare you for the kinds of things the detective is going to ask you.”I nodded, knowing he was doing his job.It wasn’t his fault I was in this mess.It was mine.For the millionth time I closed my eyes and wished all of this away.If only I could rewind the clock and go back to when Jackson was alive.But no, I wouldn’t want to go back to then.Things weren’t great the last few weeks.If I could go back, I’d return to Romeo and Juliet.Back to when things were still good between me and Jackson.“It’s sinful how sexy you are in this costume,” Jackson whispered to me backstage, his arms snaking around my middle.I glanced around at the other actors milling about and the stagehands racing back and forth in an effort to get everything set in place.Reaching up, I tugged on his puffy white shirt.His hair hung floppily over his forehead.“What could you possibly find sexy about this costume?” I’d never worn anything so heavy and gaudy in all my life.Not to mention the fact that it was a dress.I never wore dresses.Sure I had a few skater skirts, but I wore them with a t-shirt and torn tights.Never a dress.“It’s sexy because you’re in it.” He stole a kiss on the inside of my neck.Wriggling, I shoved him back.“Jackson, not here.” Just then Shane walked by and threw me a wave.I offered him a tight smile, hoping Jackson didn’t notice and interpret it incorrectly.As sweet as he had been about my friendship with Shane, I could tell it bothered him.It was obvious in his sidelong glances and the way he stiffened in Shane’s presence.Not to mention that he got all weird and possessive, always touching me or drawing me to him when Shane was around.If only he knew Shane’s secret, then he’d be all right with our friendship.But Shane wouldn’t let me tell him.He made me swear to keep it to myself, and since he’s the only friend I’d made at this school other than Jackson, I planned to keep my promise to him.I couldn’t afford to burn any bridges.Lucky for me, Jackson didn’t even notice Shane.He was too busy staring at me.Furrowing his brow he asked, “You okay?”I nodded, fidgeting with the bottom of my sleeve.“Just a little nervous.”He eyed me suspiciously.“You don’t get nervous.This is something else.” His gaze roamed my body.“It’s the dress,” he said it like a statement, not a question.I nodded because there was no sense in denying it.Even though Jackson and I hadn’t known each other that long, he understood me so well.It’s like he could read my soul, could see deep down into the depths of my heart.I should have been scared, but oddly enough, I wasn’t.I was exhilarated.“You wore a dress for him, didn’t you?”We didn’t say his name.We didn’t need to.The venom in Jackson’s tone when he said the word “him” was enough to indicate that he was referring to Bentley.“So that’s why you dress the way you do,” he continued, piecing it together.For the past year my parents and everyone else couldn’t figure out why I chose to wear the clothes I did.Only Jackson understood.I raised an eyebrow and smiled in a joking manner.“Are you saying you don’t like how I dress?”“I love everything about you.” He snatched up one of my hands.“You know that.”“Yes, you’re right.That’s why.”Bringing my hand up to his mouth, he ran his lips over my knuckles.“Don’t think about him right now.This is your night, Piper.”“Okay, I won’t.”“Promise?” He cocked an eyebrow.“Five minutes!” Mrs.O’Connor whispered to us harshly.“Okay.” I turned back to Jackson.“I promise.”“You’re going to be great out there.” He squeezed my hand.“So are you.”“Only because I can draw on you for strength.”I smiled at his words.Jackson made me feel strong and capable, like I could take on the world.Opening night was something I’d been anticipating for weeks, but I always knew it would be difficult.Not because of the dress, but because of everyone staring at me.After what happened with Bentley, attention wasn’t something I was comfortable with.But I knew I could do this.I had Jackson’s support, and besides, it’s not like anyone would be watching me really.They’d be watching Juliet.I had to remember that.Tonight I wasn’t Piper Collins.I was Juliet.As Jackson walked away to get in his position, I held on to the curtain and took a deep breath.Closing my eyes, I willed everything else away and shut out the sounds around me.I focused only on my breathing, on the silence, on my body, the way I’d been taught to do in the yoga classes I used to take.Then I thought about Juliet, about her character, her voice, her laugh, her smile.While standing there, Piper fell away.I shed her the same way a snake sheds his skin, and I imagined leaving a trail of scaly flesh on the ground.By the time I opened my eyes, Piper was no more.I was Juliet.And I was ready.JacksonGod, tonight was a rush.It was opening night of Romeo and Juliet, and it was even better than I thought it would be.Actually, I had no idea what to expect.A part of me thought I would puke all over the stage from how freaking nervous I was, but I didn’t want to spoil it for Piper.She’d put so much effort into this play, and it meant so much to her.So I held it together and did my best.And Piper was so damn amazing.There were times where I forgot she was Piper.She embodied Juliet in a way I’d never seen her do before.She’s always a great actress.That’s been obvious from the first day I saw her act, but tonight it was like she became someone else.For some reason it drew me to her in a crazy way.Okay, I know I’m always drawn to her.But tonight it was different.She was like an enchantress, and I was completely under her spell.And because of that it was like I became Romeo.I didn’t even feel like I was acting.The words poured from me.I didn’t even have to think about them.Saying my lines was as easy as breathing for me.And it was all worth it when the show was over and Piper met me back stage.She ran to me, flinging her arms around my neck and kissing me hard.So hard it stole my breath.But I was okay with it.I’d gladly give her all my oxygen.She could take it all.Every last ounce of air in my lungs.It was hers if she so desired.When our lips finally separated, she whispered a stream of compliments against my mouth.She told me I was incredible, and gushed about my performance.By the time she stopped, I was dizzy from her words and her kiss.The only damper to the evening was the absence of my parents.Court was there, of course, and she came up to me after the show to tell me how great I did.But it would have been nice for Mom and Dad to come.Not that I expected them to.I know Dad’s feelings about it.But I kind of thought Mom might show up.She usually supported me.We’re a lot closer than Dad and I are.Oh, well.At least Courtney and Piper were there.That’s all that matters.Afterward I was too pumped to head home, so Piper and I went out.First we got an ice cream cone and walked around town for a little while.Then we headed down a trail that led to the lake.It was late and cold, but we found a rock to sit on and we cuddled together.Frankly, I was glad it was cold because it meant that I could warm Piper up with my body.She cuddled me as I held her tightly in my arms.While we sat there, I told Piper how incredible she was.But she waved away my words the same way she always did when I complimented her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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