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.Jason and Tania, a pleasant meal behind them, were relaxing at a table by the window with coffee and liqueurs.“I don’t believe,” Jason commented, “that you’ve heard a single word I said.”“Sorry, darling.There’s a gorgeous man at the bar who hasn’t taken his eyes off me since he came in.It’s a little distracting.”“You should be used to it by now.”“It depends who’s doing the looking; this is the sexiest guy I’ve seen in a long while.”“Thank you, sweetheart.You’re always so good for my morale.” Jason turned his head, met the eyes of the man at the bar – strange eyes, browny-green, with a disconcertingly penetrating gaze – and turned back to Tania.“I dislike extremely good-looking men on principle.They’re usually narcissistic.”“I was – my God! What’s in this drink?”Heads were turning all over the lounge as Philip Selby joined his brother.“Anita said I’d find you here.Have you sighted the quarry?”“Over by the window.I think you might say we’ve made contact.”“His wife’s a corker, isn’t she?”“A bit too obvious for my taste.She’s been giving me the come-on.”“Has his lordship deigned to look round?”“Twice.Once for you and once for me.She must have said something.”Philip reached for his glass.“I hope he won’t poke his nose where it’s not wanted.”“If he does, he’ll get more than he bargains for.I think we should keep tabs on him for a while – see where he goes and who he approaches.If he’s genuinely only up on holiday it’ll soon become obvious and we can relax.”“It was a damn nuisance about that girl,” Philip said broodingly.“It’s drawn attention to the village just when we could least afford it.”Matthew did not reply.He had never mentioned the note he’d sent Jason Quinn, but privately he felt that it was the lure of a Macbeth prophecy rather than recent headlines which accounted for his presence among them.Philip drained his glass and put it down on the counter.“If you’ve finished your drink, let’s go.I promised Anita we’d call back to report, and enjoyable though it is being ogled by the delectable Mrs Quinn, I don’t want to risk antagonizing her husband.”Tania watched with regret as the two men left the room, became aware of her husband’s sardonic eyes on her, and smiled unrepentantly.“Relax, lover.It’s good for my image to indulge in a little long-distance flirting!”“If that comment masquerades as apology, don’t bother.I’ve been quite content watching the boats on the lake.It must be extremely peaceful here out of season.”“Or dull!”“Poor love, you miss the bright lights already don’t you, and we’ve been here only a few hours! Never mind, you know the value of personal appearances.There’s a man over there who’s been trying for some time to pluck up the courage to ask for your autograph.Shall we give him another few minutes or are you ready for bed?”As she bent to retrieve her handbag the man in question finally made his move, confounding both of them by approaching Jason instead of Tania, who had difficulty in concealing her annoyance.“For my wife, Mr Quinn,” the stranger murmured.“She always enjoys your programmes.”“Long may she do so,” Jason said smoothly, scrawling his signature on the back of the proffered business card.“The fool doesn’t even know who I am!” Tania said under her breath.“Never mind, liebling.It’ll dawn on him one day, and then he’ll regret the one that got away!”But the incident had soured her mood and she prepared for bed in sulky silence which Jason, tired by the day’s travelling, made no attempt to break down.He was at the window in his dressing-gown when the morning tea arrived, and took the tray from the girl with his best smile.“Tell me about the local school, Sharon.What age group does it cater for?”“Only up to eleven, sir, then they go to Barrowick.”“I see.That’s very interesting.Thank you.”“What’s very interesting?” Tania enquired, levering herself up in bed as the girl left the room.“The fact that there’s no child over eleven there.Since I can’t believe an eleven-year-old would have written that note, we’re left with the interesting probability that it came from a member of staff.Which gives it added importance.I wonder how many there are.”“Ask Sharon!” said Tania nastily.After a leisurely breakfast they set off to walk up to the stone circle [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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