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.Miliana sent them scuttling for cover with a roar."Haven't you people got work to do? Or does Lady Ulia have to come on another inspection tour?"The courtyard cleared with unbelievable speed and Lorenzo was left alone amidst a cloud of dust left by fleeing servants.He looked about himself in awe, then stared happily up at Miliana's face."I'm planning a fact-finding tour of the city.Will you come? We could take our feathery friend.""Shut up!" Miliana pegged her shutters open one by one."Just climb up the jasmine creepers before somebody sees you!"Shouldering an untidy parcel—his sketch pads, books and pens—Lorenzo made a creditable show of swarming up into the princess's balcony.He sprang into Miliana's rooms without the slightest hint of terror or embarrassment."Isn't it the most incredible night? The moon looks utterly entrancing.I've been doing that anatomy work I discussed with you, and so I suddenly just had to see you." Lorenzo tipped his cap to the girl and lit the room with an innocent, boyish smile."Hello old bird! How do you do?"Tekoriikii warbled, lowered his lashes, and fluffed up his plumes, obviously feeling his old self once more.Lorenzo unshipped one of his books and spread it out across Miliana's tabletop."I've found him, by the way, in Groonpeck's Field Guide to Terrifying Denizens of the Air, with special appendices for Acheron, the Elemental Planes, and the Abyss." Lorenzo swept open the volume and proudly pointed to the page."He's a firebird!"Miliana, Lorenzo, and the bird all craned to stare at the book; it contained a picture of a handsome orange bird with a great overabundance of tail plumes.Even Miliana couldn't fault the likeness.She polished her spectacles, leaned over the book, then lowered her frames down her nose to regard the bird across the wire rims."Is that what you are? A firebird?""Gronk nonk!" Tekoriikii flapped his wings, then lifted his beak up in pride."Kadoodle gronk nonk!""He says yes." Miliana bent down to examine the book with a frown creasing her speckled brow."It has firebirds listed as 'sacred, untouchable, and extremely dangerous; avoid at all cost.' ""Well.Groonpeck was never the greatest of scholars." Lorenzo closed up the dusty old tome with a bang."Anyway—there we are! Let's take him out and show our firebird the city-state of Sumbria.""How?" Miliana recoiled in surprise."Everyone will see him.I don't want Ulia to find him and serve him up for tomorrow's evening meal!""Just tell people he's a pet.Have you seen some of the things people are dragging about on leashes out there?" Lorenzo briskly slung his pack across his back."Anyway, no one will even know we're out.We're going to sneak over the walls.""And just why have you decided on this little expedition?""Well, I have to let my chemicals brew.Tomorrow I've been asked to demonstrate my new light lathe for the kind gentleman who patronized the project." Lorenzo swaggered in pride."The mixing tanks don't explode anymore.The fault was in having metal storage tanks; the acids slowly burned right through.I've just had two glass ones blown, and it's all holding just perfectly.I think the results might surprise you."Miliana rolled her eyes toward the apex of her hat with a sigh."Pray, please don't do anything to ruin the ball tomorrow, or Lady Ulia will use your tanned hide as a hearth rug!""Lady Ulia?" Lorenzo let his mind search through the neglected cupboards of his short-term memory."Oh yes—your mother.A most fascinating woman.I've been trying to determine her bone structure for my comparative anatomy project, but I'm not strictly sure that she actually has any bones.""She doesn't need them; her arteries are stiff enough to hold her up." Miliana met Tekoriikii's eyes, and the firebird nodded in eager agreement."You still haven't told me why we're going out into the city in secret.""It's traditional." Lorenzo innocently spread open his arms."We're supposed to go in mufti.""What's mufti?""I think it's a type of cart." Lorenzo looked to Tekoriikii, who only shrugged his wings."Since you're not allowed out of the palace, I thought we'd secretly drop a rope from the rooftop and go see the street festival.You seemed scornful that I knew so little about the masses—so I think it's high time we ceased bickering and met the masses face-to-face!"The argument had a certain moral supremacy about it that forestalled any objections Miliana might have made.Sniffing at the nighttime breeze, Tekoriikii waddled over to Miliana's meager wardrobe and fetched her a decent cloak."Thank you, Tekoriikii.""Gnub gnub!"Miliana slapped her pointy hat on her head and led the way to her windowsill.Aided by Lorenzo, she edged out onto the railing of her balcony, then made her way along the guttering of her tower.Inch by inch, Lorenzo and the princess edged their way around the tower roof until they found themselves standing high above the streets.With her hair stirring softly in the wind, Miliana looked down from her perch and stared at the cobblestones some sixty feet below."Right—there's the bottom of an old gargoyle here.You can use it to attach the rope.""Rope?" Lorenzo clung to the wall stones like a great gape-eyed gecko."I thought you had the.""Oh, lovely." Miliana rested her head against the ice-cold tower wall and wearily closed her eyes.A quiet rustle of wings announced the arrival of Tekoriikii, who seemed more than just a little pleased to finally have company out on the rooftops.The bird settled on the gutter between Miliana and Lorenzo, gripping on with talons that almost pierced clean through the stone.He looked at his new friends and gave a great, happy flurry of his wings—a buffet that almost dislodged Lorenzo [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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