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.”“Listen, you’re too hard on yourself.I’m a man and I’m telling you that you look exactly the same.”“If you say so, but I’m not comfortable with you showing these.”“Too late, you’ve gotten a bunch of requests in the past twenty-four hours.”My palms started to sweat.I felt pressured by the image he was selling.It was like false advertisement.“Thorne, I just don’t know.”“Look, I’ve been doing this for a long time.You’ll be fine.So let’s talk about your schedule.How often do you want to work?”“Twice a week, I guess.”“London, you don’t have a job, you can do better than that.”“I just don’t want to wear my body out, if you know what I mean.”He laughed.“I’ve never had that problem.”I smiled to appease him but I didn’t find that funny.He’d lured me into this using his body and I wondered if that was how he recruited everyone.I wondered how many women he slept with in one week and how he could in turn trade them for sex.He was no doubt a damn Rottweiler.“At this time, I would prefer no more than two, maximum three a week.”“I gotchu.I was just messing with you.You tell me how much you want to work and I’ll take care of the rest.”“I understand.”“I have someone on hold for tomorrow.You up for that?”I shrugged.“Listen, let me know.”“I guess so.”He typed into his laptop.“Okay, that’s at six tomorrow evening.Downtown.Also, the football player wants to see you again.”“Really?” I said, blushing momentarily, as much work as a night with him had been.“He’ll be in Miami this weekend if you don’t mind flying down.I have to talk to him, but I think it’s a two-day job.”“So how does that work?”“What, the two-day job?”“I mean, am I supposed to book my own flight and am I supposed to stay with him for two days?”“They pay for travel.I book it through my travel agency.You just show up.If they request multiple days, the assumption is they are taking care of you.You’re staying with them or in a room they provide.”He sure knew how to milk every dime out of every angle of a transaction.It amazed me how organized he was with everything.“So is the booking fee more for multiple days?”He looked at me, shaking his head, and seconds passed before he spoke.“London, you ask a lot of questions.If I didn’t know any better, I would think you wanted my job.”“No, I’m just curious.”“I like curious.And to answer your question, I get a little more off the top for multiple days.”After a long pause he said, “So, can I book you for this weekend?”I wasn’t too excited about being stabbed with the football player’s machete for forty-eight hours straight.Taking a deep breath, I said, “Let me think about that for a minute.”Raising his eyebrow, he demanded a confirmation.Although that guy was hard to handle, he certainly compensated well.So I agreed.The next evening I headed downtown to meet a man by the name of TC.Thorne didn’t tell me his profession, but I trusted that I was in good hands.When I arrived at the small boutique hotel on Massachusetts Avenue I decided to take the stairs to the room.After checking my hair and makeup in the hallway mirror, I knocked softly on the door.My lip gloss glistened just like I liked it.The door swung open and I was surprised to be greeted an overly uptight man.He was stiff in every sense of the word.It was quite shocking because my first two clients had been just like animals and it had been no surprise to me that they would pay for sex.This man on the other hand looked like he went strictly by the book.His nervous energy was instantly transferred to me.While I almost tensed up, I quickly thought, What would I do to make a nervous dog feel comfortable?I ran my hand softly down his jawline and smiled.Speaking in a soft voice, I said, “Hey.”In a quivery tone, he said, “How are you?”His dialect was proper and his thin red lips almost appeared not to move.If I had heard him before seeing him, there is no way I would believe he was a black man.His light-colored face was sprinkled with brown freckles.He had short brown hair and was about six feet even.His thin frame looked like it had been years since he’d seen food.He was neglected, but obviously very successful.I reached out to hug him and I don’t know why that was my first reaction.He did the stand-steps-away-and-pat hug.I pulled him toward me so we could be chest-to-chest.He was hesitant, but after holding him tightly I could feel his limbs relaxing.“Thank you,” he said, pulling away.There was something quite innocent about him.I pinched his cheek and he blushed.When I noticed he’d had a drink on the nightstand, I asked what it was.He smiled, “Ah, it’s Rémy.Do you want some?”I’d never tasted Rémy but I anxiously nodded yes.He poured a little in a glass and handed it to me.I reached for his hand to interlock my fingers.I swallowed, and the liquid filling my mouth felt like gasoline.I tastelessly spit it out.My tongue hung out of my mouth.He completely loosened up as he laughed at me losing my cool.We hugged each other and he said, “First time drinking Rémy?”“Yes.”“I guess we’re both experiencing firsts tonight.”He confirmed what I already knew.I tilted my head and looked into his small eyes.“It’s your first time, huh?”A piece of me wondered why Thorne hadn’t sent a bodyguard with me like he’d promised he’d do when I served new clients.Then, as I looked into the timid eyes of this man, I wondered if Thorne assumed he was harmless too.He said, “Yes.”“What made you decide to do this?” I asked before sitting on the bed.I reached out for his hand, requesting that he sit beside me.He slouched down.“Stress.”I massaged the nape of his neck.“It’s okay.Whatever it is.You know?”He nodded.“I owe a lot of people a lot of money [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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