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.“The First Lady is arriving in Italy tomorrow.Besides attending the gala she’ll meet with the pope, dine with the prime minister, and spend time promoting her charity against hunger.There’s no sense canceling or postponing the magazine’s plans.Everything has to go on as normal.I will be acting editor in chief, and the issue will be produced as usual, with no indication of anything out of the ordinary.You will keep quiet about schedules and places we’ll be and cooperate with the restrictions we impose on your movements.” She eyed me.“No security breaches.”Like I was going to agree to sit by and not find Parker and who put her in the hospital.Or who messed around with my stuff.Or who was the Man—and answers to a thousand other questions.I’d already broken the law—several times—and I was not going to stop now.I’d just be more careful.“Absolutely,” I lied.Begin Operation Screw Candace and Find Parker.TRICKS AND TIPS FOR THE EDGE-Y GIRLSometimes just a small change can lift your confidence and spirits.Straight hair? Go curly for a day.Minimalist? Try one piece of statement jewelry.Baby steps lead to big brave leaps.13“What do you think she’s like?” I asked Sophie.Not much work was getting done.Even Kevin slacked off and joined us on the balcony; not that I thought he liked my company—he stood next to Sophie.And it was the primo spot to get a good look at First Lady Theresa Jennings when she came in.“From everything I’ve read, she seems pretty down-to-earth,” Sophie said.Candace, Varon, and Agent Case had gone to the airport to meet the First Lady’s private jet.Ortiz and Nelson stayed behind to check and recheck all entrances and make sure no one came in or out until the group returned.The only one who seemed unsatisfied with the plan was Serena.As executive editor, she had a right to go to the airport too—or so she tried to tell Candace.“With Parker out of commission, you’re needed here, and the car’s crowded enough.” Serena clenched her fists and her furious eyes looked like they wanted to kill Candace, but Candace either didn’t see or didn’t care about Serena’s reaction, because she had walked away without another word.After that battle of the bosses, everything seemed relatively calm, and I guessed Candace managed to keep the First Lady’s quick stop at Edge before going to the Hotel Beatrici a secret from everyone, even the polizia—in spite of me.Even the models had the day off, to keep as many people away as possible.I wondered how long the quiet would last.I craned my neck to see outside and spotted the top of a black car glide past.“They’re here!” I said excitedly.The staff crowded around the door and Nelson moved in to shepherd them away.Serena stood her ground.Nelson shook his head, but stayed close to her.I ran a hand over my freshly coifed locks.Sophie bribed Joe to do our hair.Leaving the blonde roots alone, he deepened the pink at the ends, then twisted my reverse ombred locks into loose curls.I didn’t know if it was the fresh color or the springy coils, but the updated look gave me a new confidence.Braids were so yesterday.And my clothes arrived too.Today I wore my favorite electric blue shift dress with black tights and silver Doc Martens, and with a few bits borrowed from wardrobe—a pewter fitted jacket and a pair of crystal bobby pins—it all seemed new, and would be forever known as my “meeting the First Lady outfit.”Downstairs, the door opened.Candace swept in with her usual flair, immediately scouring the place with her sharp eyes.She was followed by Mrs.Jennings, escorted closely by Case, two new guys, and then Varon, who walked next to a plump Asian woman in a smart navy suit and matching flats.The sharp edges of her bob haircut made a stark frame around her bright moon-shaped face.They stopped right in front of Serena, blocking her view.She would have to plow past them and Nelson if she wanted to be in the front row, but a look from Nelson squashed that idea if she was thinking about it.She stood still, frowning between their shoulders.Theresa Jennings looked smaller than she seemed in magazines and on TV.She was petite with smooth ebony skin like Parker’s and walked easily in sky-high heels.Her flared skirt swished around her knees, and her matching fitted jacket made her look like she’d walked off the set of Mad Men.Guess that bit of gossip about her having a thing for vintage style was true.Like Parker, her super-short dark hair accentuated her face, making her large eyes look doelike and bright.She glanced around the room and up to the balcony, smiling gracefully.When her gaze caught mine, I inadvertently gave a little wave, which she returned.“We welcome you, Mrs.Jennings,” said Candace in the most human voice I’d ever heard her use, “to Italy and to Edge.”“Thank you, everyone,” Mrs.Jennings said.“These are Agents Stephen Collins and Sal Mignone, and this is my personal secretary, Lidia Chay.” Ms.Navy Suit gave a curt nod.Mrs.Jennings turned to Candace, her eyes sparkling with excitement.“The next few days should be fun.”“Yes, ma’am,” replied Candace as she guided her and the entourage upstairs.“We’ll do your hair and makeup in the studio.The indoor photos will be taken in there as well.”I didn’t have anything urgent to do, so I thought I’d sneak a peek at the shoot.Mrs.Jennings was ushered into the large studio and right into Ugi’s chair.He was so excited I thought he was going to hyperventilate.“If I was American, I would have voted for your husband!” he gushed.“This is such an honor!” His hands shook as he tried to match powders to her skin.“Don’t spill anything on her dress!” hissed Joe.“And pronto! I need to do her hair.She can’t be photographed without my taking care of her!”Everyone wanted to get their hands on the First Lady.“Play nice,” warned Candace.“Please! I have several styling products I want to show her—”Varon placed a hand on his shoulder and magically, Joe calmed.“You will.Patience, she just got here.”Mrs.Jennings laughed and everyone seemed to relax.Joe got his opportunity fifteen minutes later, and then it was going to be Angelo’s and Aldo’s turn to be nervous.She rose out of Joe’s chair and started walking toward the white background.Bang!Screams erupted, people started running.Case and Mignone pulled guns and threw themselves in front of Mrs.Jennings, bringing her to the floor.I dropped down, my heart racing.Was that what gunfire sounded like? This is not a drill … this is not a drill …When I dared to look up, I saw Collins tackle a screaming Aldo.Sophie and Kevin were on the floor next to me, arms over their heads.Ortiz and Nelson came running up the stairs, guns drawn.“It was an accident!” shrieked Angelo.“Quiet!” Candace’s voice boomed through the studio, and everyone froze.“One of the lights fell over and exploded.It’s okay.”Someone hiccupped as Mrs.Jennings was helped to her feet by a furious-looking Mignone.Case and Nelson dragged Aldo against the far wall.Mrs [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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