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.KEVIN lays her down and moves to kiss her.At that moment KEVIN realizes what he is doing is wrong, and he pulls on his T-shirt.You better get home, Lissa.Robby’ll be waiting for his birthday supper.LISSADon’t want to.KEVINYou’ll miss the birthday cake.LISSADon’t care.KEVINAnd the present opening.LISSA(darkly) Robby’s presents.KEVINYou want a present?LISSAMom says, “Not your birthday, missy.”KEVINIf I give you a present, will you go home?LISSADon’t know.KEVINOkay.Too bad, it’s a nice present.LISSAOkay okay okay!KEVIN turns around and closes his hands around the littleporcupine.He turns back.KEVINOkay, open my hands.LISSAThat’s not a present with Happy Birthday! paper.KEVINIt’s better.It’s harder to open.LISSA half tries, but in the end he makes her work to get his hands apart.LISSAOh, a porcupine.It’s dead.KEVINNo.It’s asleep.LISSAThat’s okay, it’s not dead, it’s asleep.It’s mine, right Keving?KEVINYeah.Before he is aware of what she is up to, she kisses him on the lips hard.Lissa! Don’t kiss me ’cause I give you something.LISSA(sulking) I want to, Keving.KEVIN(angry at her innocence) No you don’t! Go home, now.LISSABye, Keving.LISSA hurries away.Kevin sits with his head in his hands.Lights down.Scene 8Early Wednesday evening.JAMIE sits in Clarence’s chair with the phone in his lap.He gets up, goes and gets a beer, and comes back to the phone.He dials a long distance number.The audience does not hear the voice on the other end of the call, but the lines are included within square brackets to help the actor give his lines the proper weight.JAMIE[GCT Flight School, Janet speaking.] Yeah, hello, I’m calling to… [Can you hold the line please?] Yeah, sure.JAMIE paces around waiting to be taken off hold.Yeah, hi, I’m calling about the ad you ran in the paper out here.[Where are you calling from, sir?] Nova Scotia.[Oh, those ads, we ran them several months ago.] Yeah I guess it’s been a couple of months.Anyway, I am very interested in joining your heli-logging team.[What position?] Pilot.[You are a pilot?] No, training, sorry, training to be a pilot… you know, be the one that flies the trees out.I’m experienced in the woods.[Yes?] Yeah, I’ve worked the processor for four years.[Chainsaw trained?] I’ve worked chainsaw, but I’m looking to, you know, do the helicopter training.[We’ve met our training quota for this training period.] Oh, so when is the next training session.[April if we have enough trainees sign up.] Nothing before like, next April? Okay, could you put my name on the waiting list now? [Well maybe I should tell you the requirements and costs.] Yeah, sure.[You want to write this down?] Yeah, I got a pen and paper and everything, go ahead.JAMIE sneaks a swig of beer.He doesn’t write any of the information down.[The course can take up to five months.] I am interested in the three-month course.[If you want to be able to fly at night…] Yeah, Jesus, five months, okay.I do want to be able to fly at night.[The cost is forty thousand dollars.] Four thousand [Forty.] no, I was joking you, I knew you said forty… thousand.[And we’ll need a medical and high school graduation certificate.] Right, medical sure… listen, I got a buddy who is interested in doing training too, but… he’s real experienced in the woods too.He, the guy, didn’t graduate from high school but he’s getting, I mean he’s got the GED thing.[Well he would have to take an entrance test make sure his math was up to speed.] Yeah, sure I’ll tell him about that test you know, ’cause he needs to know if his math is, like you said, up to speed.Thanks now.[Should I take your name.] No… no I won’t leave my name.JAMIE hangs up.Fuck you, lady.(quietly) Fuck me.Lights down.Scene 9It is 2 a.m.on Thursday morning.The river scene is lit by a street lamp mounted on the bridge.CLARENCE comes down to the beach.His clothes are covered in dirt, which he is attempting to brush off.He begins to wash his hands in the water.He is throbbing with excitement.He stops, calming himself.He reaches into his hunting vest and takes out a square of cloth.CLARENCE carefully unwraps it and cradles the small bone in his hand.CLARENCEYou’ll see you’ll see you’ll see.I did it for you.That’s all I want.JAMIEClarence.This is God.JAMIE sits in his usual spot on the rail nursing his fifth beer – the empties are lined up beside him.JAMIE burps loudly [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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