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.I feel his hands at the back of my head untie the knot of the blindfold.When he removes the fabric I blink a few times and then feel the smile slip off my face.We’re in my backyard at the reading area I made behind the track.Forget that Nixon started a fire in my backyard and then left it unattended right next to a forest of trees while he drove us in circles for half an hour.He brought us back to my house after telling me he had a big date planned for us.“What the hell is this Nixon?” I say, trying to keep the anger out of my tone and probably failing.“This is our date.I brought stuff to make s’mores and some beers for us to drink and then we can test out the sturdiness of your hammock when we fuck in it later,” he smirks and wags his brows at me.Now I’m pissed.“Why couldn’t we just go out to a restaurant like normal people? Why do we have to do everything behind closed doors still? Are you ashamed to be seen with me?” I grit out, actually a bit afraid of his answer.“Of course I’m not fucking ashamed to be seen with you, Em.I just don’t want our relationship out in the open yet.I like having you all to myself and I’m not ready to share us with other people.”I shake my head at his answer.I could see that with certain people, like Charlie, but I feel like Nixon doesn’t want anyone to know about it, ever.Just then I hear Nixon’s cell phone buzz in his pocket.He pulls it out and reads his text before pocketing it again and turning his attention back to me.Then it snaps together in my head.He doesn’t want women to think that he’s taken.He wants to be seen as the slick playboy that everyone knows him as, so he takes me on dates in my own fucking backyard while he gets sexts from every bitch and their dog.“This is bullshit Nixon.You had no fucking problem telling Brandon that I belonged to you, but we can’t say anything to anyone else because you don’t want to lose your god damned sex symbol status, am I right?” I tilt my head as I wait for his answer.He looks down at the ground, avoiding my eyes completely, and puts his hands on his hips while he thinks of something clever to say.The problem is that clever ass remark never comes.Nixon has suddenly become a fucking mute.Holy crap.I thought that I was being a jealous bitch when I spit out that assumption.Now I don’t know what to think when I find out that I was right.I release a humorless laugh at his silence and turn around throwing my clutch across my yard like it’s burning my palms.“You son of a bitch how dare you,” I fume.“You were the one that begged me to be your girlfriend, saying that you were tired of just being my fuck buddy, so I gave in and let you talk me into a relationship.But now that we’re together you want to keep me your dirty little secret, right? If you didn’t want anyone to know about us why the fuck would you ask me to be your girlfriend?”I cock one of my hips and place my hand on it, giving him some sass while I wait for his answer.He takes a deep breath and finally looks up at me.His eyes look sad and he’s biting the inside of his cheek like he’s trying to keep himself from saying something stupid, but his silence is pissing me off more than anything he could say to me right now.He finally takes a deep breath, releasing it slowly, before he opens his mouth.“I thought I was ready for a relationship with you Em, I really did.Then we started up and after seeing Charlie at the store I thought about all the things I’ll have to change now that we’re together.I’ve always been able to bag whoever I wanted, whenever I wanted and I still have women hitting on me everywhere I go.I want us to be together, but the changes that I’ve had to make just to adjust to where we are right now have been really hard on me.I don’t want to screw up and do something to hurt you, but it’s hard not to go back to my natural reactions.”Nope, him opening his mouth pissed me off a whole lot more than him staying silent did.“How the hell are you having a hard time with your ‘natural reactions’ to keep your dick in your pants when you’ve only been sleeping with me for months?” I ask, my breath coming out in shallow puffs.He shifts his eyes to something over my shoulder like there is something more interesting there and I feel my throat close up.“Please tell me that you were only sleeping with me while we were together Nixon.” I feel my eyes close slowly, hoping he didn’t lie to me.“I am only sleeping with you.I promise sugar,” he says, but that stupid word sets me off.“Don’t fucking call me that,” I grit out and his eyes finally come back to me.He takes a deep breath and keeps talking in a soft voice.“I didn’t sleep with anyone else Emmie, but it was different then.I could flirt with other girls and touch them without having to worry about you getting pissed off.If they hit on me or grabbed my ass it didn’t matter [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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