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.” He yawned, revealing his sharp teeth.“Those, of course, are only the broad strokes.”What chance did either of them stand against such people? Keirith’s gift might intrigue the Zherosi, but they were just as likely to view it as a threat.And Darak? His hunting skills had proved invaluable in the First Forest, but in the land of the raiders?“Oh, yes.I should probably mention the prophecy.”“Prophecy?”“That one day, the son of their winged god will appear among them and herald a new age.He must be a virgin, possess an interesting assortment of powers, and have red hair.” Fellgair tapped a clawed forefinger against his cheek.“Now who does that remind me of?”“They think Keirith is a god?”“Son of a god,” he corrected.“Some do.Some don’t.”Which could mean Keirith was safe or in even greater peril than she suspected.Her husband or her son.Darak on an altar stone.Keirith treading a dangerous path between the god some wanted him to be and the fragile mortal he was.“Please, Lord Trickster.” She fell to her knees before him.“If you want me to beg, I will beg.If you want my life, it is yours.Take it.And protect them both.”“But I don’t want your life, Griane.”“What do you want?”He leaned forward, so close that she could feel the heat of his breath.The world receded to those golden eyes, twin fires boring into her.Embers sparked and swirled within the slitted black pupils, a dizzying dance of light within darkness, heat within cold.The cold rippled down her spine.The heat filled her belly, her womb, her loins.And then he blinked, shattering the spell.She framed the question in her mind, but could only manage to gasp out, “Forever?”“No.A day will suffice.”“But in the Summerlands, you said—”“I said foxes were monogamous.I’m a god, not a fox.”Fifteen years ago, she had made the stupid mistake of concluding that if she gave herself to him, she would have to give up her family, her friends—her world—along with her maidenhead.She would not make that mistake again.Shaking off the lingering effects of the spell, she said, “You want me.”“Yes.”“My body.”“Dare I hope to win your heart as well?”“My body, Fellgair.”He sighed.“As you please.”“For a single day.”“Dawn to dusk.”“In exchange for protecting them.”“In exchange for protecting one of them.”“Nay.”He shrugged.“That is the offer.”“Please.”“I will protect only one, Griane.Choose.”“I can’t.Fellgair, I can’t!”He rose and brushed past her.Darak’s name screamed out of her before she could stop it.In shocked disbelief, she clapped her hands over her mouth.The Trickster walked slowly across the glade and bent over her.Very gently, he pried her right hand free and clasped it.“Return here at dawn of the first full moon after Midsummer.” His face was grave, without a hint of his usual mocking smile.He pressed a light kiss to her forehead, then turned abruptly and strode into the trees.Too late.Too late to take it back.Oh, gods—oh, gods—oh, gods.She’d let him goad her.She had not even asked him to specify what “protection” meant.She had betrayed her son without even ensuring the life of her husband.She clutched her arms as she swayed back and forth, as if she were rocking him to sleep.But the song that echoed in her head was not a lullaby, but the lament for the dead.Keirith, my son, my firstborn, my child.Forgive me.Chapter 28AFTER HIS CONFESSION, Urkiat had watched him uneasily for a day or so.Darak was gentle with him, asking his advice on the route they should take, praising him when he brought down game, dutifully repeating phrases in Zherosi and questioning him about the port city of Oexiak.Urkiat gradually relaxed, glowing with a quiet pride at the confidence placed in him and eager to demonstrate that he was worthy of it.He could have kept him at a distance, offering the cold advice to let go of the past and concentrate on their quest.But Darak knew how memories could eat away at a man’s spirit.So he had opened his arms, offering his strength and compassion and accepting, in return, the weight of Urkiat’s pain and his obvious desire for a father figure to replace the two who had died.Not all of those who were lost had been killed or captured by the raiders.Wolf disapproved.“He is weak,” she told him when he sneaked out of camp to visit with her.“All men are weak [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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