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.But the patrols can only do so much with what information they have, and if we attempt to tell them.""They'd take you in," Quessahn said, rubbing her eyes as she awoke."They'd question you, lock you up, and by the time they realized you were telling the truth—""It would be all over," Mara supplied, the dark smudge of her body still against the wall though her crimson eyes glowed from beneath a tattered fold of her robe."Indeed," Briar said."But whether we inform the Watch or not, their numbers will certainly stand in the way of anything we have planned.Speaking of.what do we have planned?"Jinn stood and stretched, gathering his thoughts as everyone looked to him for an answer.For his own part, he knew what he needed to do; he'd mulled it over several times while trying to sleep in the uncomfortable lair of the avolakia.The grim surroundings and grave sentinels just beyond the pale shadows a few strides away had served only to cement his intention."What do you know of the House of Thorne?" he asked Briar.The avolakia's face split into a curious grin."Roses on the window, roses on the wall," Briar replied in the sing-song voice of a child and touched a gnarled finger to an old map upon the wall, the spot ominously smudged by his fingertip."It once belonged to the Thorne family, and no one else for a full season in the three centuries or so since.Over two dozen bodies were found in the basement, the Thornes' included.They say that even after several paintings and remodelings, you can still see the old blood everywhere, as though the house were haunted by it.""That's where he—I mean, they, will be," Jinn said."You are sure?" Mara asked as she unfolded from her dark corner."I am.It's likely they'll be there tonight, or if not, then I'll get to the house first," he answered."We will get there first," Quessahn added defiantly.Jinn made as if to reply, but at sight of the determination in her eyes, he let the words die on his tongue, glad she was as willing as he to face the unknown but still troubled by the idea that she did so for the wrong reasons."I'll take care of the children," Mara stated, and Jinn nodded, sharing the worried look that flashed in Quess's eyes but having no time to question the hag's loyalty.Whatever Mara had in mind, the last of the skulls' bloodlines would be well out of their reach.He shut out the imagined details of what the hag was capable of and would curse himself for a fool later if need be.Better a handful of possible deaths than a ward full of bodies."We should at least wait for dark to—" Briarbones began then paused, his neck craning forward as he edged closer to the tunnel beyond the chamber.He sniffed the air and snarled, a screeching series of clicks and chirps escaping his open mouth.A dozen or so pairs of dead eyes turned to the avolakia, glittering in the dark before shuffling away.Briar turned, a feral look in his eye."Something is coming.I don't know how many, but it's more than we need to deal with if we have more important things to do."Jinn could hear them faintly, somewhere in the dark.Soft whimpers and moans echoed through the tunnels, accompanied by heavy, splashing steps."The ahimazzi," he muttered."Quickly, we should get to the surface and lay low until nightfall.The soulless aren't bright, but they can overwhelm us with numbers."The groans grew louder as the avolakia's zombies met the oncoming mob, the dull sound of fists smacking loudly in the tunnels accompanied by the scrape of curved knives on dry flesh and unfeeling bone.Jinn took the ladder swiftly, shoving the surface cover aside and helping the others out, keeping a careful watch for passing patrols as they escaped.The deva cursed quietly, wishing he'd had time to question Briarbones about the stolen sword at his belt and its strange hunger for Sathariel's blood.The sounds of battle below were muffled as Briar slid the surface door back into place."They'll not stop," Jinn said."They have no choice.""Neither do we, apparently.That is if we, or anyone else for that matter, desire to draw breath tomorrow morning," Briar replied, appearing uncomfortable in the alley, nervous and fidgeting in the dim light of late afternoon."We'll split into pairs," Jinn said.He turned to Mara, the hag's face already hidden behind a smiling illusion, her arm gently but firmly within the elbow of Briarbones."Find the children and guard them well, if not for their sakes, then—""For my own," Mara supplied mockingly and added with her knowing smile, "I am well aware of the consequences, deva, but as a self-serving creature of some taste, I am also aware of the rewards.I look forward to the dark souls you promised me.""Very well.Good hunting," he replied reluctantly, far more trustful of the hag in the heat of battle than hidden away with the lives of children in her care.In the end he had only her greed to rely on [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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