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."She did not reply; but he, holding her figure closer to him, felt it trembling with a nervous expectation.Suddenly she threw him off, and rose to her feet with a cry."There!" she screamed frantically, "they've come! they've come!"A rabbit had run out into the moonlight before them, a gray fox had dashed from the thicket into the wood, but nothing else."Who's come?" said Collinson, staring at her."The sheriff and his posse! They're surrounding them now.Don't you hear?" she gasped.There was a strange rattling in the direction of the mill, a dull rumble, with wild shouts and outcries, and the trampling of feet on its wooden platform.Collinson staggered to his feet; but at the same moment he was thrown violently against his wife, and they both clung helplessly to the tree, with their eyes turned toward the ledge.There was a dense cloud of dust and haze hanging over it.She uttered another cry, and ran swiftly towards the rocky grade.Collinson ran quickly after her, but as she reached the grade he suddenly shouted, with an awful revelation in his voice, "Come back! Stop, Sadie, for God's sake!" But it was too late.She had already disappeared; and as he reached the rock on which Chivers had leaped, he felt it give way beneath him.But there was no sound, only a rush of wind from the valley below.Everything lapsed again into its awful stillness.As the cloud lifted from where the mill had stood, the moon shone only upon empty space.There was a singular murmuring and whispering from the woods beyond that increased in sound, and an hour later the dry bed of the old mill-stream was filled with a rushing river.CHAPTER VIII.Preble Key returned to his hotel from the convent, it is to be feared, with very little of that righteous satisfaction which is supposed to follow the performance of a good deed.He was by no means certain that what he had done was best for the young girl.He had only shown himself to her as a worldly monitor of dangers, of which her innocence was providentially unconscious.In his feverish haste to avert a scandal, he had no chance to explain his real feelings; he had, perhaps, even exposed her thwarted impulses to equally naive but more dangerous expression, which he might not have the opportunity to check.He tossed wakefully that night upon his pillow, tormented with alternate visions of her adorable presence at the hotel, and her bowed, renunciating figure as she reentered the convent gate.He waited expectantly the next day for the message she had promised, and which he believed she would find some way to send.But no message was forthcoming.The day passed, and he became alarmed.The fear that her escapade had been discovered again seized him.If she were in close restraint, she could neither send to him, nor could he convey to her the solicitude and sympathy that filled his heart.In her childish frankness she might have confessed the whole truth, and this would not only shut the doors of the convent against him, under his former pretext, but compromise her still more if he boldly called.He waylaid the afternoon procession; she was not among them.Utterly despairing, the wildest plans for seeing her passed through his brain,—plans that recalled his hot-headed youth, and a few moments later made him smile at his extravagance, even while it half frightened him at the reality of his passion.He reached the hotel heart-sick and desperate.The porter met him on the steps.It was with a thrill that sent the blood leaping to his cheeks that he heard the man say:—"Sister Seraphina is waiting for you in the sitting-room."There was no thought of discovery or scandal in Preble Key's mind now; no doubt or hesitation as to what he would do, as he sprang up the staircase.He only knew that he had found her again, and was happy! He burst into the room, but this time remembered to shut the door behind him.He looked eagerly towards the window where she had stood the day before, but now she rose quickly from the sofa in the corner, where she had been seated, and the missal she had been reading rolled from her lap to the floor.He ran towards her to pick it up.Her name—the name she had told him to call her—was passionately trembling on his lips, when she slowly put her veil aside, and displayed a pale, kindly, middle-aged face, slightly marked by old scars of smallpox.It was not Alice; it was the real Sister Seraphina who stood before him.His first revulsion of bitter disappointment was so quickly followed by a realization that all had been discovered, and his sacrifice of yesterday had gone for naught, that he stood before her, stammering, but without the power to say a word.Luckily for him, his utter embarrassment seemed to reassure her, and to calm that timidity which his brusque man-like irruption might well produce in the inexperienced, contemplative mind of the recluse.Her voice was very sweet, albeit sad, as she said gently:—"I am afraid I have taken you by surprise; but there was no time to arrange for a meeting, and the Lady Superior thought that I, who knew all the facts, had better see you confidentially.Father Cipriano gave us your address."Amazed and wondering, Key bowed her to a seat [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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