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.At least for right now, this entire area is wholly unoccupied.“I got some more information about the guns, among other things.” Tax sighs, his voice heavy.It doesn't sound like he's had much sleep the past two nights.“You were right – M16s.Automatic.Illegal as a bare naked jog through Central Park, twice as deadly.You might want to watch your back.Bested by Crows and Broken Dallas are merging together, and they are pissed.Your previous President, Kent Diamond, made some deals to traffic guns, drugs, women, you name it.When you killed him and the Walker brothers, a lot of the information died with them.But not their promises.They made deals with some rather unsavory fuckin' folks.Now they're on the hook for not keeping up with their contracts.” Tax sighs as my hand grips the railing of the balcony with rigid fingers.“Meaning you're on the hook for the deals that fell through.Just thought I'd let you know.Keep your guard up and don't you dare let a fucking thing happen to my sister, or you'll be praying for Bested by Crows to take you.”“How do you know all this shit?” I ask, listening as a moan breaks through the phone.Not a pleasant sound, more like torturous.Shit.Tax sighs.“Doesn't matter.Use the information I just gave you, finish your clubhouse, and keep my sister and her baby safe.” Tax hangs up the phone before I can respond, leaving me with a rapidly beating heart and the monster of panic eating up my insides.Nobody ever said this job was easy, but this, I didn't expect.I stand on the balcony for awhile, trying to take control of myself and my emotions.I am not a weak man, I tell myself.But it feels like the burden of proof is hanging heavy on my shoulders.I need to prove myself with actions, not words.I gather myself together and move back into the hotel room, finding Amy awake, sitting up in bed with her arms wrapped around her knees.She looks contemplative.I set my phone on the table near the balcony door and close it behind me.“You're up early,” she says, a question in her voice.I need to tell her what I know.Fuck, I need to tell everyone in Triple M what I know, and then I need to make sure we're prepared.I just have to figure out the best way to do that.“Everything okay?”“For the moment, sugar,” I say, not surprised to see that my cock is more than happy to find her awake.Rain or shine, Mr.Sparks never lets me down.I move towards her, climbing onto the bed and sliding my arm around Amy's waist.I press a kiss to her throat and taste her pulse.“How's your arm?” Amy clears her throat sharply, and a spike of anticipation cuts through my stomach.Goddamn it, what now? I wonder as I sit back and take stock of her expression.Determined.Fearful.Prideful.Happy.Sad.Like looking through a damn kaleidoscope.Amy brushes some of her beautiful chestnut hair behind an ear.“Austin,” she begins, and her voice is dead serious.I pull the blankets over my erection and wait there for her to finish speaking.No sense in trying to rush this.I almost don't even want to know.I wonder if this has something to do with those three little words, those cursed, Godforsaken syllables that have been plaguing me for awhile now.I love you.I do love Amy, but I don't want to say anything until I'm ready.I could say it back, sure.Wouldn't kill me, but it wouldn't mean what she wants it to mean.I'm not sure what I'm waiting for exactly or if I'm even waiting for anything, but the time isn't right yet.I'm sure I'll feel it when it is.Amy turns to me, putting her hands on top of mine.I can't keep my gaze away from her arm, from the bandage that shouldn't even be there.If I'd protected her proper, it wouldn't have happened.And you still haven't figured out who did it.Get your crap together, Austin.“Excuse me, sorry,” Amy says, letting her lashes flutter closed and her forehead drop low.She leans forward and presses her face against my bicep.This overwhelming protective urge tears into me, and I find myself folding Amy into my arms and looking up at the ceiling with a prayer fluttering on my lips.Don't let me fuck this shit up.“This is a difficult subject to broach … ”“You don't gotta tell me if you don't want to,” I whisper, dropping my chin to her hair.I wonder if I can get away without MC bullshit clogging up my damn veins today, just spend a day figuring shit out.I'd be nice to do somethin' normal with Amy for once, take her out to dinner, go for a walk, whatever.“We can just … I dunno, tear out that ugly ass vanity in the downstairs bathroom.” Amy chuckles and lifts her face up, smiling brightly at me.I brush some hair away from her forehead.“Thanks for making this easier,” she says, and I raise an eyebrow.“You're welcome?” I say, pulling her into my lap, breathing hot breath against her throat.Amy squirms, rubbing her body along my cock.I'm about to push inside of her when she says it.“Austin, I'm pregnant.”Chapter 15AmyAustin pauses, grabbing onto my arms and causing me to bite my lip in pain when his hand brushes my bandage.“Shit, sugar,” he breathes, letting go.“I'm sorry.” I sit back, sliding a safe distance away from his genital region.There is no way on earth I'm going to be able to think clearly if we're pressed together like that [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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