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.“The best medical facility available, which would probably be on Uriah itself, it’s CompCore central.” She suddenly looked ill.“Oh god, Cam.They’d have to work so slow to prevent damage.The block is dug in deep, attached to his spinal cord….”Cameron winced.He didn’t want to hear any more.“I’ll check for ships that have left for Uriah.Maybe we’ll get lucky.”ARCHER SAT back in his dark room, watching the video float on the screen overhead.The boy had aged but he was still beautiful.He liked the longer hair, all the more to grab.What he wouldn’t give to be alone with him again.He licked his lips as he replayed the interview beside a live feed of his room.Blankets tangled around his body, the curves of his lean frame perfectly outlined under thin white sheets.He paused the interview on a flash of haughty indignation that filled the young man’s face.Now that was the boy he remembered.He was in there… somewhere.How long would it take to break him this time? Not long.An easy tease to his addiction would probably do the trick.Killing him now was something to consider, no matter how much he wanted to drag him back down into his dungeon.It was probably the safer option, but he would never find the key, then.He had acted much too quickly before, not checking to see if he had everything.Of course, the boy, being the devious little shit he was, had fucked up his plans.He had gotten exactly what the boy had promised, just no way to use it.It was a bunch of useless information without that all-important key.The screen chimed with an incoming livelink.He frowned and shut down the replays of the boy and let another face fill the screen.Taylor had aged over the years.His dark hair was streaked with silver around the ears, and a few more lines creased his eyes.A hint of shadow had grown under them.Sleepless nights were growing more frequent for good ole Taylor.Archer couldn’t help but feel a warm rush of satisfaction in knowing he was part of the cause.“Did I wake you?” Taylor asked.“No, just reviewing a few things.You look tired.”Taylor scrubbed his hand over his face and let out a soft sigh.“It’s been a long week.The waiting.”“He betrayed you, and still you stress?” Archer asked, gently prodding at the wedge he had built over the years.Taylor said nothing for a long moment, his eyes distant and thoughtful.“I want to see him.”Archer paused thoughtfully.“I don’t think that’s a good idea, sir.Not yet.The physicians say that jarring… emotional responses may make memory recall more difficult.”“I need to see him, Erol.”He couldn’t say no.As much as he wanted to keep them apart, he had to be very careful about how he worked.Maybe when all was said and done he’d send his special videos to Taylor, just so he knew who had really ruined him.But he could dream about that later.“All right, if that’s what you want.I’ll set it up for tomorrow.”Archer shut off the link, returned to the screen, and started the video over again.Tomorrow the games would begin.20Unlocking MemoriesQUSAY SHOT Archer an uneasy look as he was motioned to a door in the private wing of the hospital.The room stood at the far end of a long hall, and his familiar mute guards framed either side of the door.Wrapping his hand around the door handle, he pushed open the door and blinked.He wasn’t quite sure what he expected, but the luxury spread out in front of him wasn’t it.The room was huge, complete with a sitting area, and beyond that, a bed big enough for two or three to sleep comfortably.Cherrywood chairs, rich-looking upholstery, and a matching coffee table filled the sitting area.Art decorated the walls, and a large fruit bowl sat on a small desk off to one side of the room.Despite the beauty, the room felt sterile and lacked any warmth.Nothing was out of place, and the bitter tang of antiseptic crawled over the walls.Frowning, he glanced back at Archer.“What’s this for?”“Your comfort is important.”Holy shit.His idea of comfort and Archer’s seemed worlds apart.A prince couldn’t complain about the setting.His gaze fell on a drink dispenser in the wall.He had never seen one.Not up close.Not in real life.The rich people on the screens had them.One could program them to make almost any drink possible.Stepping into the sitting room, he stared through the open door into the bedroom.His eyes fell on the curtains beside the bed.Moving to the far wall, he drew them back and gasped at the scenery.His room was a good ten stories up and overlooked a small city below [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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