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.The guard handed the Bible back to Joey.“Keep your hands on your side of the table at all times.”Joey nodded before taking his seat at the stainless steel table.He wasn’t sure what kind of strings Warren had pulled to get him a private room, but he was grateful.Lifting a hand, he waved at whoever was watching him in the one-way mirror attached to the wall in front of him.The door behind him opened, and a shackled prisoner walked into the room followed by three guards.One of the uniformed men handcuffed Tony’s restraints to the table before stepping back to stand beside the mirror.For a fifty-year-old, Tony Lo Russo still looked good.The urge to reach out and wrap his arms around the uncle who’d been more of a father to him than his own was so strong he had to clench his hands into fists.“How are you?”Tony smiled and nodded toward his guards.“Good.I’ve made a lot of new friends.”The tightness in Joey’s chest eased a bit.His uncle had always had a good sense of humor.“I’ve missed you.”Tony dipped his chin but maintained eye contact.“I’m sorry I couldn’t go to Lena’s funeral.”“It was beautiful.I had her dressed in that pink Chanel suit you bought her.It was her favorite.” Joey swallowed to keep his tears at bay.“It showed off her complexion perfectly,” Tony said, a pained smile on his handsome face.He cleared his throat, obviously trying to keep his own emotions in check.“Have you seen Joe?”Aware that he had eyes and ears on him, Joey shook his head.“They tell me he’s dying.”“Good.I had a feeling he wouldn’t last long after his beloved wife was murdered,” Tony replied.Reading between the lines, Joey heard what Tony really meant.It seemed his uncle also believed Joe was responsible for Joey’s mom’s death.Joey held up the white leather Bible.“Do you remember this? It was Grandma’s.I found it in Mom’s stuff after she died.”Tony tried to reach for the Bible, but the shackles drew him up short.He glanced over his shoulder at the window.“Let me have my mother’s Bible, and I’ll forgo yard time for two weeks.”After several moments, a voice came over the guard’s radio.“Give it to him.”The guard took the Bible from Joey before handing it to Tony.“Thank you,” Tony said, holding the soft leather against his nose.The margins held the Lo Russo family secrets, overseas bank accounts and politicians who had been in the family’s pocket for years.Most important, the Bible still held the smell of White Shoulders, Grandma Lo Russo’s favorite perfume.For the first time in Joey’s life, he watched as tears rolled down Tony’s face.“Thank you for this,” Tony whispered.Joey knew his time was growing short.“She would’ve wanted you to have it.I love you, Uncle Tony, but I won’t be back.My life is elsewhere now, and I’m happy.” It was another code, one he hoped Tony would understand.“I love you, too.Go in peace,” Tony replied.Joey smiled.Tony had understood him.“Thank you.”* * * *Cas caught sight of Joey as two agents led him into Northwestern Memorial Hospital.“What room is Barbati in?” he asked Warren.“That’s not something you need to worry about,” Warren replied.“I’m not worried.Believe me, Joey can take care of himself.He may not be in the same business as his uncle, but he definitely has Lo Russo blood running through his veins.” It was probably a stupid thing to say.Warren would no doubt pick up on the pride in Cas’s voice, but damn it, Cas wanted Warren to know he couldn’t push Joey around and get away with it.“What was with that Bible the kid gave Tony?” Warren asked, ushering Cas to a different set of elevators.Cas shrugged easily.“It was just an old Bible that belonged to his grandmother.I flipped through it, but other than the loopy script of a woman in some of the margins, there didn’t seem to be anything unique about it.I believe I remember reading that the older Lo Russo’s were strict Catholics, so it made sense that the Bible belonged to Mrs.Lo Russo.”Warren stepped into the elevator.“By the way, Barbati’s not as bad off as I led you to believe.He’s sick, but his doctors are optimistic that his latest round of chemotherapy will prolong his life.”Cas reached out and slammed his hand against the elevator’s red stop button.“You lied to me? You had me lie to Joey?”“We need Barbati’s testimony, and he’s being a real pain in the ass about it.I’m sorry if you feel betrayed, but we couldn’t allow Joey to put us off any longer.”Cas took a step toward Warren.“Joe wanted nothing to do with Joey growing up.Why suddenly does he have this maddening desire to reconnect with him?”“I guess the kid’ll find out when he talks to his dad,” Warren said, releasing the stop button.“The kid has a name.If you’re going to use him, the least you can do is call him by name.” By the time the elevator doors opened, Cas was fuming.It was the sight of Joey standing in the waiting room, looking afraid and alone, that cooled his temper.Joey met Cas’s gaze, and it took everything Cas had not to go to him.“Are you okay?” Cas mouthed.Despite having spent years portraying different characters while working undercover, he wouldn’t continue the ruse if Joey needed him.Joey winked, letting Cas know the game was still on.“Let’s get this over with.Where’s my father?”Warren looked between the two men before addressing Joey.“I need to speak with you in private first.” He indicated a small consultation room.Although Cas knew Joey could hold his own with Warren, the urge to protect him was overwhelming.Cas moved to stand between Joey and Warren and faced his temporary boss.“Just remember he’s the innocent one in all this.”Warren narrowed his gaze.“Are you trying to tell me how to do my job?”“I’m trying to remind you that he has rights as an American citizen, and if you push too hard, you can bet he’s going to push back.” Cas stepped aside, confident that he’d sealed his fate with the Bureau.* * * *Joey followed Warren into the small consultation room.Despite the sour expression on the US Marshals’ face, Joey wasn’t intimidated.He’d played the part of a frightened man to put his flanking agents off guard, but the truth was, he held the power.He sat down and waited for Warren to speak.“I’m happy to tell you that your father is doing much better,” Warren began.“Let me be completely honest with you.While your father’s improved health is a positive thing, it poses a problem for the US Government.While Mr.Barbati is in protective custody, we are responsible for his care, which as you can imagine, is becoming increasingly more expensive.What we need from your father is the taped evidence we were promised.Once he’d exhausted all other excuses, Mr.Barbati demanded he speak to you.Of course, we had no idea where you were, something I’m sure your father counted on.Once we discovered your location, we were faced with your known contempt for your father.I’m sure we’ll have to deal with the fallout of our subterfuge in getting you here, but it was a risk we were willing to take.”Joey crossed his arms.The fact that Warren had yet to mention the book came as no surprise.No doubt Warren would leave that for last.“So my father doesn’t really want to see me,” Joey surmised.“I doubt it.Mr [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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