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.If he left for the arena, he would only arrive in time to watch her die.No, his best chance to expose the treachery aligning against Castile was to wait for his patroness.And, as much as it pained him to admit, his duty was to the greater security of the kingdom.Gavriel would take care of Ada.The anteroom door opened to welcome Cilia, Condesa de Valdedrona.His thoughts slapped to a stop and he interlaced his hands behind his back.Standing before him, the midday sun flowing behind her like the aura of an angel, her brief welcoming smile collapsed."Jacob, you're here."She greeted him in Norman, a language shared by her Sicilian family and the English nobility.Jacob's father had taught him the courtly language, hoping he might grow to become a royal physician or tutor.He found it none so difficult as Castilian.Their shared secret"Your Excellency," he said with a bow."Where are your guards?""I sent them away.You have much to say, I know, and I want no curious ears."She rested against the closed door, her creamy skin drawn tight, eyeing him with a directness he admired.Resplendent in a gown made of pale blue silk and the finest teaseled wool, her shining, honey-colored eyes revealed far more experience than her twenty years.Jacob felt a swell of admiration for the young mother of two, the widow who had given him his first opportunity in Castile."I thank you for seeing me," he said softly."And for keeping my visit a secret from His Majesty and his guests.""He doesn't need to know all that occurs in my household." Her smile was swift and bittersweet.She walked to a table and poured two mugs of wine."Now tell me everything.""I intercepted scrolls on my last assignment before you left for Segovia." He smiled and accepted a mug of wine.He was no longer sweating, and his hands were steady.Always the same.The thought of speaking to her sent him to shivers, but the act itself was simple."You didn't bring them to His Majesty today.Why not?"He exhaled and fingered the hilt to one of his curving blades, noting that she had not asked him to remove his weapons.She should not be so trusting, even in the company of a man who would die defending her."The de Silva family has returned from exile under the protection of King Ferdinand," he said."They conspire with the Leonese and the Almohads, intent on conquering Castile and sharing its spoils."Her pale honey eyes widened, but she quickly masked her shock.A consummate aristocrat."These scrolls implicate the Leonese? Do they dare—?""Listen to me!" Her flinch would have stopped him, but the safety of too many lives depended on his being understood."You were disobeyed.Did you know that? The judge who was to release Ada sentenced her, instead, to trial by combat.He did not allow her a second.She fights for her life in the trial arena.And you—" He drew one of his blades and brandished it in the bright sunlight."And you did not demand I remove my weapons."She backed away in haste.Drops of wine sprinkled onto the heavy woolen rug."You would do me harm?"Despite her obvious fear, her voice remained steady.Jacob sheathed his blade and held out his hands, empty, palms up."Of course not, milady, but you're too trusting.""Perhaps."From behind her back, she drew forth a dagger just as long as her hand.Their eyes held for a moment.He grinned and nodded in approval."The de Silva family has returned to the Peninsula.They assume hostilities will resume—""—at the conclusion of the truce.Just in time for a summer campaign." She tucked the blade into a sheath hidden somewhere in the many pleats of pale blue silk."What of His Majesty? Do you fear for his life?"He hesitated, every answer jamming in his throat like water behind a dam."No reason to hide your thoughts, Jacob," she said, her words a mixture of steel and softness.Few men would have been able to resist her quiet authority.Jacob had no desire to."You've had access to the scrolls and all of the intelligence.Please, I ask your opinion.""Milady, I believe the de Silvas have positioned an assassin here in Toledo.""Do you know his identity?"He swallowed."I do.""Then I'll ask my personal cadre to accompany you.Secure the traitors, and feel free to dispatch my men to free Ada." If she yet lives.Please, God.Ada stared at the latched doors.Outside the chamber where she stood in wait, the crowd bellowed its approval.Wild applause followed.Three men had walked out those doors.Three men had not returned.Each time one fell, the arena erupted into that same gleeful riot of noise [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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