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.“Move,” Mase ordered.Quick to obey, Kit slid up and down on Mase’s shaft until the hands gripping his hips tightened to an almost painful intensity.“You feel so good,” Kit sighed.No one had ever filled him so perfectly before.He clenched his ass to encourage Mase to come.“Naughty boy.”Kit gasped as a sharp slap burned his ass.“Oh.”With wide eyes he stared down at the Dom.He wondered what it would take to make it happen again.Mase grinned.“We’ll explore that later when I’m not injured.This one time I’m going to let you bring yourself off, because my shoulder isn’t up to it, but next time you won’t have it so easy.”Kit grinned.Quick to obey, he wrapped his hand around his cock.The dual sensations of his hand and Mase inside him quickly had Kit pumping out his release.Only the sound of Mase grunting through his own orgasm kept Kit from feeling guilt over coming before his master.Sticky and exhausted, he pushed off Mase, quickly disposed of the condom then went to wipe himself clean.He returned to clean up his Dom.After getting rid of the wash cloth, he slid back into bed and snuggled next to Mase, making sure to lie on the uninjured side.“I could’ve lost you,” Kit whispered as memories of the day rushed back.“Shhh, it will take more than one crazed maniac to get rid of me.”“Good.I want you to keep me for a long time.” Kit clutched at Mase as though he were the only stable object in a tumultuous world.Mase pressed a kiss to Kit’s forehead.“Sounds like a good plan.”Sighing, Kit rested his head on the pillow next to his Dom’s head.“I love you,” he whispered.Mase wrapped his arm around Kit and pulled him closer.“I love you back, now go to sleep.”Kit tumbled into sleep with a smile on his lips and a light heart.New from Total-E-Bound Publishing:ChaliceAmber KellExcerptChapter OneA man should be like an empty chalice ready to be filled with the experiences of life.– Queen Nyaha“That’s the best I can do.It should hide your marks but not cover up so much as to offend an interested Master,” Odwill said.The elderly servant finished positioning the decorative cuffs over Chalice’s biceps, patting his arm with the familiar touch of a man who’d watched over his charge since birth.“Thanks, Odwill, it should do fine.” Chalice gave his manservant a reassuring smile.He knew the older man didn’t approve of Chalice’s plans.However, he couldn’t argue with Chalice’s mother.Although his mother had died during Chalice’s birth, her powers as a seer were legendary.Knowing she would die during labour, she’d chronicled advice to her unborn son and uploaded it into the royal archives.Her encryption key died with her, so no one would be able to alter them or read ahead.Once a week, the device would chime and advice from beyond the grave would appear on the screen.Not once had she steered him wrong.When Chalice was younger, he’d thought of her as his imaginary friend—always there when he needed help.Now he wished she could advise him in person.When he’d first announced plans to join the outbound pets on the next starship, Odwill had immediately looked for ways to help.They both knew there was no future for Chalice as long as he lived beneath his father’s roof.His father loved Chalice in his own way, but he refused to acknowledge his son’s problem.In his father’s mind, a planetary ruler couldn’t have a submissive for a son.To protect his identity, he’d first needed to cover the tattoos revealing him as a four- elemental mage.No one would take a man on board who could destroy their ship with a single thought.Wide bands of coppery metal on his biceps gave the impression of bondage as well as covering up his signs of power.Chalice fidgeted with his armbands for a moment before turning to face his servant.“You’d best make yourself scarce after I leave.I don’t want you to get into trouble.I doubt father will discover my absence for a few days, but when he does, he’s likely to come to you for questioning.Wait to announce your retirement until they discover I’m missing.Don’t give him any reason to think you were responsible for my disappearance.”Odwill nodded.Not a strand of his white hair moved.Chalice had always wondered how the man stayed perfectly groomed no matter what the conditions.“I will wait until they announce you missing, then go stay with my sister in Collinsville.Your father shouldn’t object since I will no longer have a charge.”Chalice went to his dresser and pulled out a small velvet bag from the top drawer.“This is for you, Odwill.A small thanks for all of your help.” He clasped the servant’s shoulder, handed the bag over then turned to away finish packing.He wasn’t going to cry.According to his father, princes didn’t cry and Chalice didn’t plan to start now.“My lord!” Odwill gasped behind him.“This is more gold than I’ve ever had in my life.”Chalice took a deep breath but kept his back to Odwill.He was too close to an emotional breakdown over leaving the man who’d been more like a father to him than his own.“I can’t repay you for all you’ve done for me over the years, but I can make sure your remaining years are comfortable.”“Thank you, my lord.I want you to know that it has always been a pleasure to serve you, despite your handicap.You’ve never been a bit of trouble.If I could go with you to your new home I would.”Chalice smiled.“I know you would, Odwill, and you’re the only one who calls it a handicap.Everyone else calls it a curse [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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