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."Yeah, no problem."Krista turned back around and pointed her finger at me."You and I -" She furiously grabbed the chain around her neck and ripped it off, throwing it in my face."We are no longer friends."Tears filled my eyes when I looked down at the ground to find the other half of the best friend charm that we each had worn since we were eight years old.My mother placed her hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me as Krista stormed out of the backyard.I bent down to pick it up as tears rolled down my face.It was all so surreal to me.It was as if she had turned into this person that I didn’t even know almost overnight.Or had I really been that wrapped up in my own little world that I failed to recognize that my best friend was fading away? My biggest fear today was getting into it with my father over Drew.I was prepared for it and had my battle gear on.Never in a million years did I imagine that Krista would be the reason that I would need to break out that shield around my heart.Two weeks had passed and I had finally broke down and called Krista.She, of course, didn't answer but I still left her a voice mail, apologizing for what had happened, even though I didn't believe that one was warranted on my end.I was worried about her.The Krista that I thought I knew was always a party girl but I never thought that she would turn to drugs.Again, Ashton was involved the same way he had gotten my brother involved.I hated that Drew still remained friends with him, but I knew I had no right to tell him who he could hang out with.I was so grateful to him over these past few weeks.Not only was he helping me out with all of the charity stuff that Mrs.Barrett was piling on me, but he was also a sounding board, listening to me vent over my frustration with Krista.I didn’t want to open my eyes.I was feeling so relaxed with the warm sun beating down on me, but when I felt Drew’s cold lips on my bare back I couldn’t resist.He dried himself off before sitting down on the beach blanket next to me.“Oh my God, that water must be freezing,” I said.“Nah, you get used to it.I have to do something to cool off from looking at you in that sexy bikini.” I sat up and kissed him on the lips.“That’s not helping my cause, you know.”“Sorry.” I smirked.“I really should get home and take a shower.” My parents were out of town for a wedding for a few days and had made my brother go with them after the last incident, leaving the house all to me for three days.I was happy that Mrs.Barrett didn't have anything planned for me within the next couple of days.I felt like I needed a mental break from everything.“Did you want to come over later on?”“Ah shit, I told Ashton and a couple of the other guys that I’d hang out with them tonight.”I tried my hardest to hide my disappointment.“Oh, okay.”“Don’t make any plans for tomorrow.I’ve got something special planned.”I couldn’t hold back my smile.“What is it?”“It’s a surprise.”“Oh, I like surprises!” I said as I threw my cover up on over my bathing suit.I stood up and slipped on my flip flops, grabbing my beach bag.“Why are you leaving so soon?”“Because I need to get in the shower; I’m sweaty, sandy, and covered in sun block.”“Sounds pretty sexy, if you ask me.” He raised his eyebrow, standing up and pressing his forehead against mine.“Mr.Bryant, I do believe we already had our lesson this morning.”I couldn’t resist grazing his salty lips.His hands moved down my back, pulling me into him and kissing me harder before taking my hand and leading me off the beach and into his house.His lips were on mine the minute we walked inside.He pushed me up against the wall and immediately removed my bathing suit bottoms.He eased his fingers inside of me as our tongues moved in unison.My insides began to throb for him once again.“Becca, you fuckin’ make me crazy.I never wanted anyone as much as I want you.”He pulled down his swim trunks, wrapping my leg around his waist and bracing my back against the wall.I immediately felt the fullness of him inside of me.It was so perfect and so familiar now.We were becoming more and more comfortable with each other’s bodies, learning each other’s likes and needs, making each time better than the last.He moved in and out of me as I ran my hands through his hair.I screamed out his name, feeling all of my emotions coming to the surface.He bit his lip, smiled, and began to move quicker and harder.I could feel his erection growing inside of me just before he let out a loud groan, releasing himself into me.He removed my leg from around his waist and was trying to catch his breath.I caressed his face and looked up at him and smiled."I can't get enough of you," he whispered in my ear.His voice had that sexy smoothness once again, making my entire body tingle.He bent down and kissed me, taking my breath away.I pressed my forehead against his as our hearts pounded in unison."I'll see ya tomorrow.” He nodded and placed another gentle kiss on my lips.My stomach was doing cartwheels the entire drive home as I thought about what had just happened.I knew that I didn't have anyone else to compare to, but I didn't think that it could get any more intense than what Drew and I had shared.My body was still feeling like it was having aftershocks.I arrived home and jumped in the shower.I was planning on spending the rest of the afternoon on the couch with a good book, until I got out of the shower and saw that Mrs.Barrett was calling.I rolled my eyes while trying to decide if I wanted to answer her and finally picking it up on the last ring."Hey, Mrs.Barrett," I answered."Hi Becca.I really hate to ask you this on such short notice, but Carlos Simms has more paperwork that I need by tomorrow morning." She caught me totally off guard as I tried to think of an excuse."I would go pick it up myself, but Edward and I have a benefit that we need to attend tonight.If I don't have this paperwork by tomorrow, we will lose out on applying for a grant that can be used to fund more scholarships." I thought about the last time I was at Mr.Simms’ house and how uncomfortable he made me feel and that was with Drew there.My stomach dropped, thinking about going by myself."You'll be in and out [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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