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.I could offer you that immortality you seek so desperately.Cold, hard laughter hammered Pacys's mind.He took a fresh grip on his staff, prepared his spell, and leaped to the creature's back.The aboleth bucked at once when it felt him land on its side.Slime and muck covered its scaly skin.Pacys worked hard to pull himself up into position.Thankfully, the four tentacles streaking toward him all at the same time behind the creature's head got in each other's way.He raised the staff and plunged it down into the aboleth's topmost eye, planting it deep.Immediately, the aboleth mind screamed in pain.It flopped, pushing itself up on two of its tentacles while two more flailed for the embedded staff.One of them seized it and pulled.Holding tight and staying low, Pacys hung onto the wooden shaft of the staff and got to his feet.He leaped from the aboleth and readied himself for the coming fall, keeping his body loose.He pointed a forefinger at the embedded staff and unleashed the mystical energy he'd summoned.A jagged lightning bolt jetted only a few inches from his fingertips and lanced into the staff.Drawn by the metal under the staff's outer wooden surface, the electrical charge ripped down into the aboleth's brain, sundering it in a fiery explosion of sparks.It died screaming.Even prepared and skilled as he was, Pacys hit Dock Street's cobblestones hard.The impact knocked the wind from his lungs and, from experience, he thought he felt a rib crack.He rolled as best he could and pushed himself to his feet, saying a quick prayer to Oghma with his thanks.He recovered his staff from the torn and charred aboleth's corpse, breathing shallowly through the stench of it.Gazing out into the harbor, he noticed that some of the surviving ships and Waterdhavian Guard rakers had managed to gather in a small flotilla.Flaming arrows sped from the ships' decks but the distance was too great for Pacys to know if they were hitting their targets.Still, it was a good sign they were able to assemble.Though the ships out in the harbor numbered perhaps a third of what they had in the beginning, the number of griffon riders continued to grow as more of the aerial garrisons flew in.More of the air corps seemed to be wizards or joined by wizards.Spells flew through the air, sizzling, sparkling, and flaming, seeking down through the storm-tossed waves to their targets.Hurting and unable to draw a full breath with the damaged rib, Pacys trotted toward the gathering of watch and guard at the Order of Shipwrights' guild hall.Many of the men carried torches, and the bard guessed it was because the sahuagin's natural fear of that element.As he saw them standing there, though, the song returned to his head.He sought for the words, putting the pain out of his mind, shelving it with the fatigue he'd feel later."Halt!" a guard warned, stepping out from the crowd in front of the guild hall.He raised a crossbow to his shoulder and peered over it."Who goes there?"Pacys raised his hands high over his head, holding onto the staff He scanned the young soldier's face with a poet's eye, noting the fear and the disbelief, the pain and the courage that fired the soldier's eyes.They were the untroubled blue of a calm sea, the color of true sapphire, and Pacys knew they would never again view the world the same way.Soot stained the young man's tanned face, and dark blood from a cut along his temple wept down his cheek."I am Pacys, a bard."A grizzled sergeant stepped from the pack of Waterdhavian defenders, pressing his hand gently against the young man's crossbow."Take that thing off him, Carthir.That man's no enemy.Did you see what he did to that damned aboleth?""No sir," the young man replied."Things haven't looked the way they were supposed to at all tonight." He lagged a little in removing the crossbow's threat."Stay back," the sergeant told Pacys.He was a short, blocky man with gray in his hair and beard.From the markings on his uniform and the scars that showed on his hands, arms, and face, the bard knew the sergeant was a career soldier.He'd already seen his share of hard times, but the night's battle was leaving its mark on him as well.His left hand was swathed in blood-stained bandages."Only the Watch and Guard are allowed past this point.""I understand," Pacys said."How bad are things around the rest of the city?""Damned sea devils have attacked all along the coastline of the city," a junior civilar said, brushing burned hair from his shoulders.His right eye had swelled shut, or maybe it was gone entirely and he was standing there by a miracle of will."Not as much as they have the harbor- everything here is more at sea level-but they've been there all the same.""Will the city stand?" Pacys asked.A crowd that had gathered along the sidewalks and streets just past the line the watch and guard had made pulled closer, and several men took up the same question the bard had asked.In seconds, the question became a cry that swelled until it echoed over the crash of the incoming waves and the storm.The sergeant growled out an affirmative.Pacys saw rather than heard the man reply.He'd learned to read lips a long time ago.None of the crowd heard the answer, and the bard didn't know if the man felt comfortable enough to make the announcement in a louder voice.The crowd came forward, no longer held back by the authority the uniforms brought with them."Tell us!" a spokesman cried out."Will Waterdeep stand?""Get back! Get back!" a senior civilar ordered, pushing at his own men to clear a circle ten feet across.Almost immediately, an azure star dawned in the circle five feet above the cobblestones in front of the guild hall.Pacys turned and stared at the star, captivated by the color and the way it appeared out of nowhere.The azure star exploded suddenly, blossoming out to fill the ragged ten foot circle.The powerful flash temporarily blinded all who were watching, and the booming crackle of thunder that followed it quieted the fearful cries and questions of the townspeople.When the azure starlight died back, a silhouette of a man on horseback took shape in the circle.As Pacys's vision returned, he recognized the man on the huge white horse.Even ahorse, the man looked tall and heavily muscled in his upper body and legs.Full plate armor covered him, primarily a silver that gleamed in the moonlight and reflected the burning fires and torches around him, but the black and gold colors of the watch and guard striped it as well.A white tabard with his family crest covered his chest and he carried his helm under one arm.His face was strong and square and solemn.Gray touched his temples but his youth and vigor were evident.A shield covered his left arm as he reined in the stamping war-horse.After a moment, he raked his fierce gaze over the enlisted men and civilians."I am Piergeiron!" he roared in a loud voice that echoed from the buildings and over the water."Called Paladinson and Known Lord of Water-deep." He drew his great sword Halcyon and held it aloft so it gleamed."As long as I can fight, this city will remain standing and be free!" He lifted the sword, and as if in answer, a salvo of flaming rock seared across the sky from Castle Waterdeep's catapults.They splashed down in the harbor around the bloodworms and dragon turtles, the biggest targets immediately available.A frenzy ripped through the crowd of soldiers and townspeople alike.Pacys wasn't immune to it himself, feeling lifted immediately by the presence of the Waterdhavian lord.The war-horse Dreadnought stamped restlessly, causing its full plate barding to ring.Piergeiron kept the animal under control [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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