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.“Your girl here scared the piss out of them.”“I did?” I choked a bit on my hash browns.“Why?”“Also learned Vira can kick Stacy’s ass without even blinking.You should’ve seen her.Man, it was beautiful.Even half dead, that vampire demon was fierce.” Logan laughed.“Sorry, we’re getting ahead of ourselves.We figured Vira knew more than we did, and we were right.Come to find out, your girl is either a phoenix or an angel.Or both.Vira thinks both.”“What the hell?” Macen shoved his food aside and leaned forward.“Explain.”“Apparently, it was pretty common knowledge a century or so ago that angels and phoenixes straddled the lines between Earth and Demonia, proverbial guardians to ensure neither side had too much power.They kept shit from hitting the fan, so to speak,” Lane said.“Then they gave up, went away, or just didn’t give a shit anymore.No one really knows.” Logan shrugged.“All the demons knew is they weren’t there anymore.They were forgotten in our realm but became the stuff of childhood stories to keep the little demons in line.”“Why were they afraid of them?”“They could strike down a full-fledged demon with a drop of phoenix blood or a burst of angel fire.”“And that’s what I am.”“Based on what we figured out, yes.” Kindness reflected in Lane’s gaze.“You’ve created quite a stir.No one knows exactly what to think about you.Fortunately, we contacted some elders.A couple of them seemed to know more about these two species.They apparently had strict upbringings and adhered to a regimented tradition—one that dwindled their races to almost nonexistence.“Just over a century ago, new leadership took control of their realm.The decision was made to sever all ties with and responsibilities to Earth and Demonia, to focus on their world and problems rather than handling ours.”“So, how did I land here?”Lane sighed and looked at Logan with darkness on his face.“We’ve gotta tell her, man.”“It took some digging, a lot of phone calls, and a shit load of favors being called in by every pack we had alliances with.We finally got a way to connect with the new leader.He listened to what we had to say, and then he abruptly announced he’d call us back.” Lane sighed.“We heard from him an hour ago.It’s been a long night.”“A fucking long ass night.We’ve had the entire pack and every pack we were from up making calls country wide.” Logan leaned back into his chair.“Thank fuck it paid off.”“What did he say?”“He found your parents.”Chapter TenIt’d been a hectic, yet glorious, week.Macen insisted I move into Wolf Hall.Although most of the pack embraced my presence, there was a thick tension between Stacy and myself as well as the few of her crew who hadn’t abandoned her.Rules were fuzzy about mated Alphas in residence at the dorm and whether that made their mate the head female.I’d assured Macen and Stacy and everyone who’d listen I didn’t want to be Alpha female.I wasn’t pack.I was Macen’s mate, and I wanted nothing to detract from my new role.His family pack embraced me fully—I had so many family members now I couldn’t keep count, much less remember their names.Vira had become my shadow.The guilt had slowly started giving way to the acceptance that I couldn’t change how horridly I’d screwed up her life.All of Demonia hated her—she’d been found guilty of the death of Prince Drecor’s daughters and banished to the Earthen realm permanently.“Stop thinking about that shit.” She slapped my hand.“And stop fiddling with your top.You look gorgeous, and fuck them if what you wear matters.They’re lucky this shit is even going down.”“Vira, we discussed this.What happened in Jacob’s pack wasn’t their fault.They weren’t there.”“Exactly.They.Weren’t.There.” Her obsidian eyes sparkled with red.“They should’ve been, and until I hear for myself why the fuck they weren’t, every second of what went down with that miserable prick’s pack is their fault as far as I’m concerned.”To say she’d become rather protective of me was an understatement.Macen found it amusing.I found it a bit overwhelming.She was my sister in every way that mattered.I wanted to thank her, tell her I loved her and felt the same protectiveness she did.I was pretty sure she wasn’t prepared for my emotional diarrhea.“I still say we should’ve made them wait longer.”“It’s been a week.” I took a deep breath.“Honestly, I can’t wait any longer.I want answers, Vira.”“We all do.” She squeezed my shoulder.“Let’s go.They’re waiting.”They.My parents.My animal stirred in my belly.I followed her down the stairs to the bottom level of Wolf Hall.Sharing a room with Macen had made me nervous at first, but I’d wanted to be with him, in his bed.His mate.“I hope Macen gets back in time to be here with us.”“He just arrived.” Vira grinned when I looked over my shoulder.“I’ve got really good hearing.”I was a bit jealous since I had something in me.I didn’t know how to communicate with the thing inside me.I didn’t understand what it could do, what it wanted from our relationship.It sounded foolish, but it was how I’d heard many shifters describe their inner animal.Hopefully, today would give me some answers, some idea how to delve into my powers.If I had any.We entered Macen’s office.A trio stood—a petite woman with long, flaxen hair and shimmering sky blue eyes.Her soft smile trembled as she gripped the man beside her.He wrapped his arms around her, and his cautious, green eyes tracked my movement into the room.His ebony hair matched mine.He was tall with wide shoulders and a massive torso to rival Macen’s.A younger, slender, flaxen-haired woman stood beside them.This was my sister.Macen made his way to me, encircling me in his strength.The thing inside me stirred, humming softly in pleasure.My heart fluttered.“Xenia,” the woman whispered.“Betina, we discussed this,” the man whispered.“She is Riletta.”“Riles,” Macen corrected.“Of course, forgive me.” The woman approached, her arm extended [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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