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.Without taking his eyes off the ceremony, Tinuva asked, ‘What is it you ask your god?’Asayaga said, ‘We ask Hilio, who judges men in life, to forgive us our shortcomings.Each man will repeat the request, at each of the poles, representing the four directions, for no man knows where Hilio may be.It is hoped that when we are free of this mortal life, Hilio will intercede with Sibi, She who is Death, to look upon us with mercy.We also ask Hilio to give us the strength to forgive those who have wronged us in the past year, to let others make atonement to us.’Tinuva said nothing for a while, then: ‘A friend once said no mortal being is without flaw.’Asayaga said, ‘This is true.And there is wisdom in knowing this.It will be a quiet night, for meditation and fasting.No man may touch food or wine until the sun sets tomorrow night.’Tinuva said, ‘A feast?’Asayaga nodded.‘Always.’‘Then come hunting with me after your Day of Atonement, Asayaga.’‘I went hunting with Hartraft today.’‘So I have been told.’ With a slight smile, Tinuva said, ‘I shall be a far more patient teacher, and I will show you things even Dennis doesn’t know.’Asayaga allowed himself a rare smile.‘It would be good to know some things Dennis doesn’t know.’The elf returned the smile, briefly then leaned back against the support post and watched the rest of the ceremony.A few minutes later Alwin Barry called for parade, and the Kingdom soldiers fell into formation.There was little military ceremony associated with the Marauders, but while in camp, Dennis insisted on morning muster and evening parade in order to keep some pretence of military discipline among the men.Asayaga had answered by having his men join the parade every night and held a separate muster every morning.As the ceremony ended, the last of his men hurried to their positions under the watchful eye of Strike Leader Tasemu.Barry glanced at his opposite number, and the two men began inspecting their respective commands.Asayaga said to Tinuva, ‘Where is Hartraft? He has never missed a parade.’He got his answer when Dennis came striding out of his quarters, his arms heavy with clothing, marching purposefully towards the washing hut.Both the Tsurani and Tinuva stood in stunned silence, then as the Captain of the Marauders vanished from sight, both broke out in open laughter.FOURTEEN - Dawn was breaking.‘Form ranks!’Dennis passed the order as he always did, his voice almost soft, disdainful of the parade ground bellowing typical of too many officers serving in the Kingdom armies.The last of his men came out of the long hall, slinging on their equipment.Tsurani soldiers mingled amongst them, heading to the opposite side of the narrow street to fall into ranks as well, Strike Leader Tasemu, like Dennis, passing the order in a calm even voice.Tinuva, Gregory by his side, leaned against the open gate, watching the show and it struck him as fascinating how both companies had basically the same rituals, the turn-out before dawn, the evening inspection, even the mannerism of the sergeants, who combined a certain gruffness with some and a touch of fatherly help with others.The Tsurani snapped to attention as Asayaga came out of the long hall, dressed in full armour and accepted the salute of Tasemu.He then proceeded to walk slowly down the line, pausing to draw a sword from a scabbard to see that it was properly sharpened, stopping to adjust the buckles on a young soldier’s armour, opening several backpacks to make sure all the equipment was properly stowed.Dennis followed the ritual as well, though his men stood at ease, but at his approach they were watchful and respectful.He ordered one man to string his bow, then chewed him out over the fact that the string was not properly waxed and the ends were frayed; another man received a dressing down because his backpack was missing a blanket.‘If we had to pull out now, this minute,’ Dennis snapped, ‘you’d freeze to death the first night out and I’d forbid any man to share his blanket with you, damn it.Three days cleaning the jakes.’After Dennis stepped past, Sergeant Barry gave the unfortunate a withering gaze and made a point of nodding towards the privies outside the stockade gate.They had replaced the slit trench Dennis had ordered dug the first day, but the privies needed cleaning whereas the trenches had not.Inspection finished, Dennis turned to face the Tsurani who were standing less than a dozen feet away.Asayaga finished at nearly the same time and the two officers stood looking at each other, Dennis obviously uncomfortable with the Tsurani’s insistence of standing at attention, thus forcing Dennis to do likewise.‘All equipment is in order.All my men are accounted for,’ Asayaga announced.‘All accounted for,’ Dennis replied, ‘save for four on the north pass.Patrol to the eastern gorge reports no sign of the enemy.’Asayaga nodded his thanks.The Kingdom soldiers had assumed the burden of patrols and watches so the Tsurani might observe their Day of Atonement.Tsurani soldiers would take extra watches and patrols to compensate the Kingdom soldiers over the next few days.‘I have no incidents to report,’ Asayaga stated.‘Nor I,’ Dennis replied yet again.There was a moment of awkward silence then Dennis finally turned to look back at his men.‘The Tsurani, as you know, are observing a holy day that will last till sunset.Some of you saw the ritual begin last night.As I understand this ritual we may not speak to them unless they speak to us first.They will fast for the entire day and I ask that we refrain from eating in front of them.We’ll stand their watches for them today so they may meditate and pray, and they will make up the difference tomorrow.I don’t want to hear any damn comments about anything you see them do.They participated in our midwinter feast and showed proper respect.’‘And drank more than the rest of us,’ a wag quipped from the back rank, his comment greeted by a ripple of laughter.‘Well, there will be a feast tonight, after sundown and we are invited.So be respectful and let’s keep it peaceful.’He turned back to Asayaga and the two saluted.The Tsurani broke ranks, stacked their gear inside the long house and then came back out.Several of the warriors saluted as they passed Dennis, their action causing him to respond with a confused nod.‘My men are grateful that you are respecting our Day of Atonement,’ Asayaga said.‘When the subject first came up many thought you would refuse [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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