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.""We started the fighting going on down the hall," Emilo said excitedly."And Jas has set up fifteen barrels of smoke powder to explode.""You did what?" Joel gasped."Do you know how dangerous that stuff is? It's been outlawed in fifteen cities in the Heartlands.""Trust me," Jas said."I know what I'm doing.It may be enough to knock a hole in the outer wall, and maybe not.At any rate, it will make a great diversion.What did you find out about the gate?""I think I've got the gatekeeper convinced to open the gate on my signal.Unless he's got me completely fooled, or he changes his mind, or he figures out I'm not a ruinlord of Xvim."Suddenly there was a tremendous boom, like a fireball cast by an ancient wizard, and the floor shook beneath them."Was that another quake from Beshaba?" Emilo asked.Jas leaned out the window and peered out into the darkness."Damn! I think my smoke powder went off a little early," she declared.Joel looked out the window.A fire burned out of control on the wall across the courtyard from them."Does it look to you like the wall's collapsed a little?" Jas asked."It's too dark for me to tell," Joel replied."This isn't good," he huffed."Now the priests are going to be on the alert.I thought you said you knew what you were doing.""Hey, as hot as it is in this place, anything could have set it off," Jas retorted."Maybe a yugoloth got careless with a torch, or a little fountain of lava sprouted up nearby.Walinda had to be near enough to hear it.Maybe she'll take it as a sign to begin her attack.""I was hoping we might avoid a big battle," Joel said."What difference does it make?" Jas said."So some yugoloths and some tanar'ri tear each other apart.""Holly's out there," Joel reminded the winged woman."You heard how upset she was about Walinda sacrificing her troops.She's likely to try to protect the bar-lgura."Jas looked down at the floor, unable to argue with the bard's assessment."Maybe you better try summoning Walinda now with the finder's stone," Emilo suggested, "before the priests get themselves organized."Joel nodded."You're right," he agreed."Jas, fly me down to the ground near the wall.I'll signal her through the gate.While I'm taking care of that, I want you to take Emilo back to the tower.Emilo, climb down the stairs to the throne room on the first floor and wait there without giving yourself away.Walinda's betrayed us more than once in the past.We need to keep you in reserve in case she proves ungrateful for all we've done for her.Stay away from the imp.Jas, I may not need you, but wait for my signal, just in case."Once on the ground in the courtyard, Joel made his way along the wall toward the gate.The larger yugoloths were no longer drilling in formation but milling about in large, tight herds, while the shorter ones were trying to reorganize them.A group of novice priests emerged from a door in the wall and hurried toward him."Hatemaster, what's going on?" one of the novices asked."What's going on?" Joel imitated the man's panicked voice."Tyrannar Neri is setting off fireworks to announce the start of his tea party," the bard replied sarcastically."What do you think is going on, you ninny? We're under attack, of course.If you know what's good for you, you'll get back inside the wall.""Wouldn't we be safer in the temple?" another novice asked.It might be better, the bard realized, if he could keep the novices separated from the temple so the higher-ranking priests within received no information.He had to make them think it was their idea, however."Fine.Go right ahead," Joel said."The yugoloths are in some sort of snit about not being paid, but if you want to walk past them while they're in such a quarrelsome mood, feel free," he added, waving his arm in the direction of the courtyard.The novices glanced nervously at the yugoloths milling about in the courtyard, then turned and hurried back through the door into the wall.Joel continued on toward the gate.When he came to the iron portcullis, he halted and peered out into the darkness.Against the red glow of the lava river, he saw the silhouettes of hundreds of bulezau.There was no sign of the bar-lgura or Walinda.Joel pulled out the finder's stone and concentrated on the priestess.The beacon of light shot through the portcullises of the inner and outer walls and struck a boulder not more than a hundred yards away from the gate.Come on, Walinda, the bard thought impatiently.I can't signal for them to open the gate if they don't see you.He slipped the finder's stone back into his shirt.Joel didn't care whether the priestess made her appearance because of the signal from the finder's stone or because she had read the bard's thoughts as long as her appearance made an impressive spectacle.Suddenly the air around the boulder shimmered and the priestess manifested herself.She was kneeling on the magic carpet, which hovered five feet off the ground.As the carpet glided forward, Holly stepped from the dark ranks of the bulezau and walked along beside it.Then the marilith slithered forward behind Holly.The carpet halted directly before the gate.The ebon aura of power that surrounded the evil priestess had grown until it blocked out the light from the lava river behind her.From the wall above, Joel heard the gatekeeper call out, "Who goes there?"Walinda, with her head held high and her back as straight as an eastern princess's, called out, "I am Walinda of Beshaba.I have come at the summons of Lady Beshaba."Joel stepped back away from the portcullis so that Petitioner Perr could see him from the window in the gate control room.Perr looked down upon the bard disguised as Hate-master Morr.Joel gave him the signal to open the gate.Perr disappeared from the window.All right, Perr, old buddy, Joel thought, this is it.Your moment of destiny.Please don't make me look like a fool.Both portcullises raised up all the way, as if Perr wanted to be sure this woman he believed to be Beshaba's sister didn't feel inclined to damage his newly repaired gates."Enter and be welcome, Walinda of Beshaba," Joel called out, "in the name of the New Darkness."One of the larger yugoloths came running up to Joel and halted at his side [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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