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.Thir's eyes grew glassy and vacant.When she tried to roll to her knees, her quivering muscles would not support her, but she showed no sign of pain.In fact, she showed no sip that she felt anything at all.Fzoul slapped me, then pointed at my hands, which I had allowed to drift south again.When I raised them, he nodded his approval."We would put you completely in the tub, of course.""Of course." Though I tried to sound nonchalant, my words were but a squeak.The High Tyrannar fell silent and gave a thin smile, so that I might contemplate what he had shown me.I perceived that he meant to do more than 'teach me the truth about Cyric.' To destroy my belief in the One's power, he had only to bring out the True Life of Cyric and read, and the power of Oghma's words would do the rest.But Fzoul wanted more; he wanted me to beg for the 'truth,' as that would be a greater insult to the One and a boon to his own god, Iyachtu Xvim.And I was happy to do what he wished, as I knew the last laugh would be Cyric's, and that nothing in the True Life's pages could ever turn me away from Our Dark Lord-not while the One's heart slurped in my chest, and my own heart beat in his."You are wasting your time with this cleansing," I said."I am ready for you to read me the truth now."Fzoul shook his head."It is not enough that you hear the truth, you must embrace the truth."The One's heart nearly leapt into my throat, for Fzoul had fallen prey to a simple merchant's trick.The High Tyrannar had made no objection to the suggestion that he would read his truth, which was as good as telling me he still had the True Life of Cyric.Now all I had to do was convince him to reveal its location, and I saw that sterner measures would be required.The truth is that Iyachtu Xvim is a petty little god unworthy of the One's notice!" My plan was to make Fzoul so angry that he would forget about my cleansing and pull out the True Life just to silence me."When you die, Cyric will take your soul from your pitiful little god and torment it for a thousand years in the dungeons of the Shattered Keep!"Fzoul's face turned red with rage, and his hand flashed up from his side, cuffing my head so hard the blow knocked me off my feet.I crashed down on Thir, who had just started to gather herself up, then I rolled over laughing."Strike me again!" I staggered to my feet and shuffled back to Fzoul."No servant of piddling Xvim can harm me."The High Tyrannar raised his arm, then caught himself and brushed the dirt off my naked shoulders."Forgive my outburst.I am here to help you." He turned me toward the torture devices."Which shall it be, Malik? The Drip? The Smells? The Eels?"My mouth went dry.The choice was obvious, as the eels would take less time than any of the other tortures.Yet I could not take my eyes off Thir, who still seemed so dazed and confused that she could hardly struggle to her feet."I choose."I choked on the words, and my gaze swung toward the Drip Torment.After my long ride, it would be nice to spend a few hours lying on a table.I might close my eyes and sleep for days.And why shouldn't I, after all I had done on the One's behalf? For years I had lived like a beggar in the cold and the rain, and I had jumped into a boiling moat and fought guard-ians who returned from the dead, and ridden day and night across the breadth of Faerun.And what had the One done for me, except give me a vile betrayer for a horse and slay my wife and threaten me with damnation if I failed him?But as I thought all these things, the awful despair I had felt outside Candlekeep returned.I recalled how I had awakened amidst the carnage of the Ebon Spur and rejected Cyric in my misery, and how he had come to make me feel the terror of dying Faithless and returned me to the Way of Belief, and how he had given me a chance to redeem my wretched soul and honored me by exchanging hearts, and I saw I really had no choice."Which shall it be, Malik?" Fzoul stepped toward the eel bath, a mocking smirk on his face."The eels?"I nodded quickly, before I had time to lose my courage.Fzoul raised a brow."Truly? The eels?""I shall think of Iyachtu." I tried to sound spiteful, but my voice cracked with fear."Even his name is slimy as an eel."Fzoul's mouth twitched, yet he answered in a calm voice."Strange, I had picked you for a Drip man." He studied me and saw that I could not take my eyes off the eel tub."And yet, you pick the most enfeebling of the tortures? Why?"I made no answer, fearing Mystra's spell would compel me to admit the truth.Fzoul remained silent a moment longer, then got a cunning look and shrugged as though resigned to my choice."Very well-the Eel Bath."Thir, still quivering from her own treatment, came over to help lift me into the tub.Fzoul raised a hand to stop her."Not yet.I have given Malik what he wants.Now he must give me something.""I shall give you the sweat beneath my arms!" I spat."That is all any worshiper of Iyachtu Xvim deserves [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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