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.“Now then,” Sam said.“My day just got better.” He looked at Darla.“I trust you can keep those kids under control.Please don’t let them dance on any of the tables or take their clothes off.” He took one last look at Annie and pushed through the doors to the kitchen.“Oh, my Lord!” Darla said.“I never thought I would see the day.Sam Ballard is in love!” She grinned at Annie.Annie did not think it was funny.In fact, she was both embarrassed and humiliated.“Would you please excuse me,” she said and pushed through the doors just as Sam had a moment before.She found him sitting in his office filling out a deposit slip.He looked up.Annie stepped inside, closed the door, and crossed her arms.She was as furious as the look on her face.“You listen to me, Sam Ballard, and you listen good,” she added.“If you ever do that again, I’m going to walk out the back door, and that will be the last you see of me.”He looked surprised.“Are you really angry?” he asked.“I’m so mad I feel like hitting you over the head with Flo’s skillet,” she said.“You do not have the right to embarrass me in front of the other employees or our customers.I’m sorry that you are annoyed because you had to be in a parade.Gee, what a terrible, horrifying, miserable experience that must’ve been.My advice to you is get over it.” She opened the door and walked out without another word.#For the next few days, everyone raced about the Dixieland Cafe, trying to keep up with the crowds.Between studying and keeping the mad pace at work, not to mention constantly sorting through her feelings for Sam whose apology she’d finally accepted, Annie felt scrambled much of the time.She was thankful when Sunday finally arrived.She knew Sam was taking a financial hit by closing the restaurant for the day, even more so since he’d promised everyone would still be paid for the day, but Annie figured Darla deserved it after all the years she had worked for Sam.Annie straightened her place, took a hot shower, and spent a long time on her makeup.Once her hair dried, she sprayed it and finger-combed the waves and curls so that it came out fuller.She did her nails and waited till they were dry to begin dressing.Checking her reflection in the mirror, she was pleased with the finished product.The only thing missing was perfume.She thought of her perfume tray back home that held her favorite scents and shook her head.She opened the door to the linen closet and looked among the shelves for perfume or body spray.She smiled when she found what she was looking for, simple lavender water, the same brand Vera had spritzed on her bed pillows for years.Annie had a sudden yearning to see the woman and decided she was going to insist that Vera visit her once the Okra Festival was over.It made no sense that Vera had not tried to reach her, but Annie couldn’t think about it at the moment.She was putting on lipstick when Sam arrived.He whistled when he caught sight of Annie.“Don’t you know it’s not nice to outshine the bride,” he said.“That’s not likely to happen,” Annie said, giving a chuckle.“The bride has spent hours at the hair and nail salon, and her gown is worth umpteen-thousand-dollars.Fortunately, she will only be wearing about half as many crinolines so she’ll have an easier time getting around.”“Did I tell you that Bo had to climb that tree for the tiara and veil?” Sam asked.“Darla had given up on it, said they could probably find something just as nice at the mall, but Bo knew she wanted it.”Annie smiled.“I’m glad because that’s actually my wedding gift to them.”“What do you mean?”“The diamonds in that tiara are real, Sam.Twenty karats of perfectly flawless stones, straight from Tiffany’s.”“And that would be worth, um?”“Well.” Annie paused.“Darla and Bo could each buy a new vehicle for starters.And they could put a huge down payment on a nice house.”“Hold it,” Sam said.“You’re telling me you let that tiara dangle in a tree all this time, knowing what it was worth?”“Yep.”“How could you sleep at night?”Annie smiled.“Silly boy,” she said.“The tiara is insured.”#As planned, Sam and Annie arrived before the bride and groom.They stood apart from the crowd while the band played soft music.The band had been moved to a grassy area nearby so the wedding would take place on the raised gazebo where everyone could see.People stood or sat in lawn chairs, patiently awaiting the couple.Lillian, Kazue, and the others stood a short distance away, waving and throwing kisses.“I only have two requests,” Sam whispered to Annie.“Anything for you handsome.”“This is not your wedding.Please do not steal anybody’s car and take off.”She grinned.“And your second request?”“Do not tell Darla about the tiara until Bo and I are in position to catch her before she hits the ground.”People began clapping when a white carriage and two white horses made their way down the cobblestone street that surrounded the courthouse.The crowd went wild when Bo helped Darla from the carriage, and they saw her dress.The band began playing the “Wedding March.” Sam and Annie led the way to the gazebo and waited for the bride and groom.Annie felt a huge lump in her throat at the sight of Darla in the gown.She looked at Sam and found him watching her.He winked.When the music died down, the minister stepped forward, and a hush fell over the crowd, except for the sound of cameras clicking.Darla’s wedding would no doubt end up on the front page of the Pinckney Gazette.The minister stepped forward.“Dearly beloved.” he began.Annie tried to concentrate on the minister’s words, but it was all she could do to keep from staring at Sam.She wondered what he was thinking, wondered if he knew how devastatingly handsome he looked.Most of all, she wondered if he suspected she’d fallen in love with him.“.The ring please.”Sam handed Bo the ring.Annie felt a giant lump in her throat as Bo, all six-foot-six, tenderly promised to love and cherish Darla for as long as they both lived.Annie’s hand shook, and she felt tears gathering in her eyes when she passed the ring to Darla who repeated the same vow.The minister pronounced them husband and wife, and the two kissed as shouts and whistles rang out from the crowd below, and the band played a lively tune.Darla hugged Annie, both of them crying.“Thank you for the dress, honey.And thank you for helping to make this the best day of my life.” Bo and Sam shook hands, and Sam kissed Darla, slipping her an envelope.“This is for your honeymoon,” Sam said.“I know Bo just started a new job, but hang on to this, maybe in a few months he can get some time off.”“Oh, Sam, you’re the best,” Darla said, hugging him.He grinned.“Yeah, well wait till you find out what Annie is giving you.”Darla gave Annie an odd look.“I don’t expect a gift from you,” she said.“You gave me this bridal gown.”Annie shrugged.“Yes, well, I’d like to add a little something, but I would rather wait until later to give it to you.”Sam’s eyes were soft as his gaze landed on Annie.He offered her his arm.“May I escort you to the reception, Miss Hartford?” he asked.She smiled and took his arm.#They were the first to arrive at Sam’s house.A catering service was on standby, and they went to work immediately, pouring champagne and bringing out trays of food.There was a small table holding a wedding cake, and numerous white and gold balloons hovered overhead.“It’s beautiful,” Annie said.“I was up all night baking this cake and making hors d’oeuvres and blowing up balloons,” Sam told her.Nearby, the lady who owned the catering service chuckled.“Don’t give me away,” Sam said [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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