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.LangdonStephen, Babylonian Penitential Psalm, 1927.Langdon Stephen, Die Neu-Babylonischen Kónigsschriften, 1912.394 395I Podstawowe Ÿród³a tekstów biblijnych:A.Genesis i Deuteronomium: The Five Books of Moses, new edition, revised byDr.M.Stern, Star Hebrew Book Company, b.d.wyd.B.Najnowsze przek³ady i interpretacje opieraj¹ce siê na znaleziskachsumeryjskich i akkadyjskich: Genesis z The Anchor Bible, przek³.E.A.Speiser,Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday & Co., 1964.C.Zród³a „archaiczne": The Holy Bible, King James Version, Cleveland and NewYork: The world Publishing Co., b.d.wyd.D.Do celów weryfikacji i nowych interpretacji tekstów biblijnych: The Torah,new translation of the Holy Scriptures according to the Masoretic text, NewYork: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1962; The New American Bible,translation by members of the catholic Biblical Associacion of America, NewYork: P.J.Kennedy & Sons, 1970; The New English Bible, planned and directedby the Church of England, Oxford: Oxford University Press; Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press, 1970.E.Jako pomoc przy porównaniach i przek³adach: Veteris Testamenti ConcordantiveHebraicae Atque Chaldaicae by Solomon Mandelkern, Jerusalem: Schocken Books,Inc., 1962; Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Bible, a translation and adaptationof the work by A.van den Born, by the Catholic Biblical Association ofAmerica, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1963; Millon-Hatanach (pohebrajsku), Hebrew­Aramaic by Jushua Steinberg, Tel Aviv: Izrael PublishingHouse Ltd., 1961 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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