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.Strange, Aengus kept his eyes more on Dylan than the friend he hadn’t seen in years.“You could’ve told me it was going to be hot here,” Dylan complained, taking his jacket and beanie off.He then put them in his backpack and took out his bottle of water.Aengus approached him.“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Dylan,” he said and bowed.He leaned slightly back when the human sent him a dubious sideways glance.“I’m the leader of this island.It’s called Coco.When the gate opens for the humans, I can show you around.”“Coco? What a strange name for an island,” Dylan commented.“I wasn’t interested when I studied about it.”Felix laughed, drawing everyone’s attention.“I like you already, Kevin’s brother.I told him it’s a stupid name, but he didn’t believe me.” He walked over to the humans.“This is Nathan.He’s been here ever since he was a baby.”Dylan paused before he drank water and looked at Nathan.A wide grin formed on his lips.“He’s cute.If you’re not careful, I might take him home with me,” he teased.“On second thought, I take back what I said.” Felix held Nathan’s hand and pulled him closer.“Good,” Dylan uttered and drank his water.Kevin sighed.“I know that you want to stay away from short term friendships, but that was harsh,” he said, “If the gate stays open, you’ll be coming here often.” Dylan always had a hard time handling people.His show of affection always went through a series of insults.Only a few would see it as his personality and befriend him.Only then, Dylan could be kinder around them.The bottom line was, his brother had a trust issue.“You said it right, if,” Dylan shot back.“So, what are we going to do now?” He looked over at the crowd of shifters around them who were staring.“Why are you so far away? I’m not going to bite.” At that moment, everyone got closer.Kevin was almost shoved by them and Uri held him up in time.“They must be fascinated by his piercings,” he muttered.Uri shrugged.“Shifters don’t pierce their skin.It’s a way to be sensed by others with a lot more ease.” He glanced over the crowd to check if Dylan hadn’t been run over.“I can’t see anything.” He moved Kevin behind him and made his way through the shifters.Once they got to the small circle, Aengus had his arms around Dylan.“We might have a small problem.”Kevin managed to go to the front line.He widened his eyes.For the short amount of time he’d known Aengus, he had never seen him frown.The shifter didn’t hide his emotions this time.It was as if a completely different person.“I think we do,” he mumbled.“Aengus, you shouldn’t worry.I’m sure no one will hurt him.”Dylan crouched, slipping away from the shifter’s embrace.He went to Kevin’s side.“I don’t like physical contact with strangers, so I advise you to not do that again.Unless you’re Kevin, don’t even try it,” he demanded, scowling at Aengus.“I–I apologize,” Aengus said, averting his eyes.“Anyway, let’s talk business.”Kevin looked up at Dylan.“He’s a nice guy.I’m sure he was alarmed because you had so many people heading your way.”“I don’t care,” Dylan retorted.Rolling his eyes, Kevin took Uri’s hand.“If all goes well, the gate will be open today, right?”Uri smiled.“I’ll make sure it will.” He switched his attention to Aengus.“I’d like to start assigning shifters,” he suggested.Aengus nodded faintly, his green eyes cast down.He shook himself once Kevin waved his hand in front of him.“Of course.” He cleared his throat.“While you were away, we discussed that.Myself and the other leaders came to a simple conclusion.We should assign one person from each island for this job.We selected the ones who we think are the most prepared for this.And they’re going in shifts throughout the day.”Kevin looked at five shifters coming from the crowd.“It seems good,” he said, studying each of them.Uri disagreed, “It’s not enough.Two of them aren’t as trustworthy as we expect.You have two of them who need replacement.” He scanned the crowd.Seconds later, he pointed at a woman with a red shirt.“You, come here.”She glanced over her shoulder then pointed at her face in surprise.Uri nodded.“How do you know that I can keep everyone safe?” she asked shyly.“Here women don’t have that kind of a job.”“Well, you will now,” Uri said, “Take the place of this big guy.”Kevin smiled.His lover had picked someone opposite to what the leaders wanted.He trusted Uri’s instincts, so he didn’t argue.“I have an idea,” he said, raising his hand.“Each of the individuals who are going to be at the gate can have backup.If there’s a large group of enemies, they will be able to call two shifters each.That way, they will be a match against stronger shape-shifters in the future.It’s in case something happens and no one is around to help.”“It’s a good idea,” Uri said and caressed his cheek.“Now, I will pick everyone who’s going to get this job.And don’t worry, you’ll be paid for your work.”Dylan stepped forward, Aengus looking down at him with hesitation.“The gate should close after a certain time.Let’s say no one will be able to come and go after midnight or something of the sort.And the gate will reopen by seven in the morning.This is also for the ones who have a job in the other world.” He looked at Uri.“You’d be amazed at what ideas people can have at night.”* * * *One week laterEverything was set.Dylan’s suggestion had been taken into account, but the gate would close by three in the morning.The residents of each island had been happy throughout the days of good changes.They’d also been pleased with the mutual agreement.Kevin smiled as he remembered that moment.He followed Uri through the gate.The shifter had located it to a spacious area of a beach in the human world.It was nine in evening.A warm breeze in each world attracted many humans and shifters.Two lines of shifters and humans occupied the middle, while the sides of the entrance were restricted to people like Uri, Kevin, and the others.Most people from the human world were looking for a good vacation.The shifters were more interested in knowing other humans.Once they reached the other side, the gatekeepers bowed.“Everything is going well,” one of them said, allowing a family of shifters into the human world.Uri nodded [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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