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.Too casually.“Lest you be mobbed.The ton likes nothing better than a mystery.They’ll avidly try to discern your identity from afar until you slip and make it known.Messerden will want to speak nonsense for a few minutes without pause, trapping you here.Walk around the room, if you need to escape.I charged your friend with watching out for you.”She startled at that piece of information but followed his eyes to a man in a dark cape drawing closer, another man in his wake.Onlookers gazed between them and the oncoming men, fascinated.Hoping for a bit of gossip.“Leave if I can no longer stand the considering stares?” she asked.The lines about the viscount’s mouth tightened farther.“I apologize.”“Why?” she tried to say lightly.“It is a grand adventure, isn’t it? To be mistaken for a princess?”His shoulders loosened minutely.“As long as you let me save you later from the wicked king.”“I may, should I require aid.” She squared her shoulders as Messerden and the slighter man reached them.Both men eyed her but greeted the viscount first, as propriety dictated.Messerden turned to her, and she braced herself for the conversation.Suddenly, the flowing silks of Juliet materialized in her view, at her side, stepping just a hair in front of her.Greeting Messerden in a twinkling voice.Then she felt a presence near her back and turned to see a rakish, dark man bowing to her, lifting her hand with so much practiced ease.Dressed as Romeo.The viscount’s posture tightened, but he was busy answering his mother and the other two men.From his actions at Vauxhall, she had the feeling that he would easily ignore the two men to retrieve her, but the same couldn’t be said of ignoring his mother.And his father had neatly and precisely cut her from their circle.She was somewhat relieved, truth be told.There was just something about Messerden and his continued appearances that put her on edge.That didn’t mean that facing a marquess, even a decidedly scandalous one, was somehow an easy task.A marquess.Might as well be the King for all of the space between them socially.“Good evening, dear lady.”“Good evening,” she replied softly, unsure of a proper response in such a situation.He smiled charmingly at a couple walking toward the dance floor and stepped backward and to the right, causing her to mirror the action as he hadn’t yet let go of her hand, allowing the couple to pass between their two groups, drawing her a little farther from the foursome now a few paces behind her back.She narrowed her eyes a bit at the deliberate manipulation yet again.“How may I assist you, your lordship?”The marquess looked at her, a steady long look, the edges of his eyes crinkled permanently in a charming, rather puckish way.“I know who you are.”She swallowed.She wasn’t quite sure what she had expected him to say, but it had definitely not been that.“Oh?”His lips briefly lifted.“I was a fourth son, never expecting to inherit.I’d rather have joined the navy.Set to sea.” His puckish smile grew.“Used to spend nights down by the docks.Lovely women there with a keen eye to teaching a man new tricks.”She blinked.His eyes sought the entrance again, as if he were waiting for someone.“Good place to pick up contacts.Ones that serve a man well in the future, no matter his status.Or perhaps better for his status.” His eyes slid back to her and held.“Of course, a few loyal servants also help.I make sure to keep an eye on the children.And their…interests.Sometimes their interests surprise even me.”She smiled tightly.She hadn’t sought this man’s approval in any way, no matter his power, and didn’t feel a need to seek it now.“Oh, you mistake me.I see it in your expression.” He leaned in.“I make it my concern to read women’s expressions too.Only my wife’s have ever fooled me.And yours says that you think I view you as a base servant.” He shrugged.“I have never been one to care much for such things.Figured I would marry a girl in some port.Perhaps two or three, one for each frequently scheduled destination.” His eyes almost looked dreamy for a second.“Love lasts so much better with plenty of space and bursts of passion, don’t you think? Alas, inheriting put quite a damper on such perfect plans.”“That is outrageous,” she sputtered.He smiled, his mercurial eyes changing once more.“Ah, a point in favor of your disguise, should anyone overhear.Mistresses routinely keep a bevy of admirers warming their sheets and accounts.A fallen woman would not be outraged by such.A princess, on the other hand…”She got her sputtering under control.“Perhaps I’m a fallen princess.”He just smiled as he examined her.“Perhaps you are falling.Maxim always did have a keen eye.”She tried not to let the reminder that she was another conquest dampen her mood.Too much.“Ah, again I see your face.My son is far more constant than I.I do my duty.But Maxim always takes care of things I let wallow.You are hardly something he is picking up to spare a wallow.”“I see.”Once again, she decidedly did not.“Everyone is so concerned with the state of our affairs.Tiresome [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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