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.Jazz sat at the piano onstage and played.Her voice was as pure and perfect as always.She played and sang some of her mother’s music and then some of her own.Devon stood at the bar in the empty dining area enjoying the private concert.Dennis walked over and stood next to him.“Man, she is incredible.I forget how amazing her voice is.It’s gotten even better over the years.She’s got that old-school sound going on now.I tell you, if she ever wants to book a small venue, I’m putting my bid in right now.She’d pack this place to the rafters.”Devon was just as amazed.Jazz had never sung in front of him before.He knew she could sing, of course.He had her CDs and remembered her singing as a teen sensation, but her voice was richer and fuller now.The tone was sultry and seductive.“Yes, she is most definitely incredible.”“Yeah, I know that she’s a great actress and all, but she really needs to perform again.She’d blow this place out.” They continued listening in silence to the next selection.When it ended, Dennis turned to his cousin.“So, you and Jazelle Richardson,” he said rather than asked.Devon nodded as he smiled adoringly at Jazz.“Is it serious?” Dennis asked.Devon nodded again.“Very.I love her.”“That part is very obvious.You haven’t taken your eyes off of her since you walked in the front door.I don’t know how you drove here tonight,” Dennis said, chuckling.“She’s exactly the woman I want in my life.”“I’m happy for you, man.I wish you the best.” They shook hands and bumped shoulders.Jazz walked over, smiling.She thanked Dennis for a wonderful evening as they prepared to leave.When they left, the street was empty.All signs of cameras and photographers had long gone.They said their good-nights to Dennis and headed home.Several streets were blocked with road repair, so they cut through Central Park.On a whim, Devon parked his car and they walked down Fifth Avenue.It was early morning, and the streets were mostly empty.They strolled and window-shopped, stopping first at FAO Schwarz, and then continuing to Bergdorf Goodman and other fashionable stores along the avenue.When they came to the crown or, rather, tiara of Fifth Avenue, they stopped.Tiffany & Co.’s window wasn’t particularly stylish or chic, but everything it represented was.It was old money and old glamour.Jazz looked over the sparking jewels secured behind the thick glass.Her eyes instantly went to the center display of one window.It was a single diamond cut into a star, and it was breathtaking.She smiled, remembering her first star.“I love this place,” she said dreamily.“My mother brought me here when I was a kid.She’d just gotten her first paycheck from some off-Broadway production she was doing.She bought me a star earring.It was my first diamond anything.I was ten.I still wear it.”Devon stood behind her and held her close.“So, if you had to choose one of these, which one do you like the best?” he asked of the stunning display of diamond pendants in the side window.“That’s impossible.It would be like choosing your favorite star in the night sky.They’re all equally stunning,” she said, looking longingly at the center display while easily avoiding his question.“No, they’re not.You outshine them all,” he said, taking her waist and turning her around to face him.He leaned down and kissed her tenderly, then pulled a light blue ribbon attached to a stunning diamond pendant from his pocket.Jazz gasped.It was the center display, and it was huge.It shined and sparkled brilliantly beneath the street lights.“You’re kidding.You bought this?”“No, I bought this for you,” he said.“Devon, no, I can’t accept this.”“You have to,” he said, unfastening the clasp and putting it around her neck.“I tore up the receipt.” He secured the latch and took a step back.It was just as he imagined—stunning.She touched her earring and then her pendant, then leaned up and kissed him.“This is the best breakfast at Tiffany’s ever.It’s perfect, thank you.”“You’re welcome.”She touched the diamond again.“I love it.I love you.”“I love you, too.” He wrapped his arms around her as they walked a bit farther then crossed the street and headed back to the car.They went back to her apartment just as dawn broke over the city.They were totally exhausted after a wonderful day and night together.Devon stayed over.They made long-lasting love before falling asleep in each other’s arms.A few hours later, Jazz woke up to a gentle kiss.Devon was dressed and sitting on the side of the bed, smiling down at her.She touched her neckline, feeling the diamond star still there.She never slept in jewelry, but it seemed perfect that it was the only thing she wore when they made love the night before.“You’re dressed,” she said sleepily.“I have to go.My agent called earlier.There’s craziness going on with the contract.I have to get there as soon as possible.”“There’s a problem?” she asked.“What is it?”“I don’t know.He didn’t say.Front office wants me now.”“What did he say exactly? What happened?”“I’ll take care of it.”“Is there anything I can do?” she asked.“No, it’s on the West Coast.I shouldn’t be long.”“Wait.I’ll go with you,” she said eagerly.“No, stay here.I’ll be in meetings all day.I’ll call you when I’m on my way back,” he said.“Whatever it is, I’ll take care of it and be back later this evening, so be rested and ready for me when I get here.” He leered.Jazz instinctively knew that something was going on.She also had a feeling Devon knew more than he was saying.“But maybe I can help,” she said, sitting up quickly.The sheet dropped, exposing her breasts.Devon looked down at her body longingly.He licked his lips and closed his eyes to focus on what he needed to do.But right now all he could think about was their night of passion and making love to her again right now.“Jazz,” he said, looking at her perky breasts and tender nipples again.“You’re killing me.”She smiled and shook her head.“What, you mean two times last night just wasn’t enough for you? You want more?” she teased, lowering the sheet to her hips.“Don’t tempt me, woman,” he nearly growled.“There’s a private jet and a neurotic agent waiting for me to meet him in L.A.right now [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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