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.“Everyone has something to hide.”“Yeah, they do.” Michael took a sip of water.“My kid sister has a couple of kids.She’s a single mom too so I really respect that.”“You guys close?”Michael shook his head.“Not since I came out as gay.See I was the star running back and my family thought I’d go onto the pros.I also had a very traditional girlfriend all through college.Even asked Amanda to marry me.The family loved her and one night I just had to confess.Hell I haven’t talked to Amanda since that night.She felt betrayed I think and it nearly destroyed the relationships with all my family members.”“Shit.I hate hearing that.” Families could be so cruel.“Well, I told you I’m not the best guy in the world.”“You ever thought about having a family?”“All the time.It’s the only aspect of not having a traditional relationship that I don’t like.I know I could adopt but not sure I’m the daddy kind either.”“You might be surprised,” Simon said as he watched the twinkle in Michael’s eye return.They remained quiet for several minutes.“Tell me what you know about Tina,” Michael said.“I don’t know that much about her.We talked with her a couple of times before we agreed to anything.She showed us her medical records and from what I could tell she was healthy.We did visit her house once just to see if she really was the girl she portrayed herself to be and then we decided.At the time she seemed sweet and very personable.For all accounts she’s an intelligent woman who’s never been married.Other than that I don’t know much.”Shaking his head Michael sighed.“You do realize you should have found out everything about her.Right?”“I know I was stupid about so many things.I could blame my fifteen hour days trying to win a proposal so that the business I work for didn’t close and I honestly believed Chad.I thought we’d ride off into the sunset together.” God the anger burned within him.“Calm down.I’m not making fun at all.Not only are your convictions strong and admirable.But you had every right to trust him.”“Yeah well.I might go to prison for assaulting a woman who claims I don’t know her so I’m so sure if my convictions are anything but ridiculous.I swear though you should have seen her face when she saw me.It was like seeing a damn ghost.”Michael sighed.“She had to know you’d come find her.”“Why? We weren’t buddies.She was supposedly going to sign the papers and that was it period.”“Did she say anything to you at all?”“Other than get out?” But Simon had to think about the visit.He played back the few words in his mind.“She was shocked I was there and I swear to you she said something like oh fuck not you or not now.I don’t know.By that point I was sure Ashley was there given the highchair and I think there was even a damn Sesame Street program on the television.”“Was she babysitting as a side job?”“I have no idea.I thought she was a nurse.”“A nurse?” Michael laughed.“Of course.Doesn’t that make good sense? The perfect profession to hide some pretty damning information behind.”“I guess I never thought about it.” Tingles raced through his body.“Don’t worry.I have some thoughts.”“Good.” Simon gazed out the window and tried to imagine a different life.“What are you thinking?” Michael asked as he fiddled with the wrapping on the water bottle.Shaking his head Simon sighed.“I guess I’m just trying to figure out why.”“You mean Chad?”“No, you.Why you’re attracted to me.”Opening and closing his mouth Michael inched forward.“Other than the fact you’re incredibly gorgeous?” Grinning, he finally laughed.“I like you.That’s the bottom line.You are gorgeous but you also seem like the kind of man I want to get to know better.”The words couldn’t have been any more perfect, at least for the time being.“Thanks.I was beginning to wonder if I can even judge character in people at all or if I’m the problem.”“Problem? From where I sit you’re the good guy.” Michael took Simon’s hand into his and inhaled deeply [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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