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." He had raised his fist to hit the door again when the porch light went on.The door was then opened and a white man with a shaved scalp stood in the darkness within.The light from the porch slashed across his face."Mr.Trent? It's Detective Edgar.This is my partner, Detective Bosch.We have a few follow-up questions for you.If you don't mind." Bosch nodded but didn't offer his hand.Trent said nothing and Edgar forced the issue by putting his hand against the door and pushing it open."All right if we come in?" he asked, already halfway across the threshold."No, it's not all right," Trent said quickly.Edgar stopped and put a puzzled look on his face."Sir, we just have a few more questions we'd like to ask." "Yeah, and that's bullshit!" "Excuse me?" "We all know what is going on here.I talked to my attorney already.Your act is just that, an act.A bad one." Bosch could see they were not going to get anywhere with the trick-or-treat strategy.He stepped up and pulled Edgar back by the arm.Once his partner had cleared the threshold he looked at Trent."Mr.Trent, if you knew we'd be back, then you knew we'd find out about your past.Why didn't you tell Detective Edgar about it before? It could have saved us some time.Instead, it gives us suspicion.You can understand that, I'm sure." "Because the past is the past.I didn't bring it up.I buried the past.Leave it that way." "Not when there are bones buried in it," Edgar said in an accusatory tone.Bosch looked back at Edgar and gave him a look that said use some finesse."See?" Trent said."This is why I am saying, 'Go away' I have" nothing to tell you people.Nothing.1 don't know anything about it." "Mr.Trent, you molested a nine-year-old boy," Bosch said."The year was nineteen sixty-six and I was punished for it.Severely.It's the past.I've been a perfect citizen ever since.I had nothing to do with those bones up there." Bosch waited a moment and then spoke in a calm and quieter tone."If that is the truth, then let us come in and ask our questions.The sooner we clear you, the sooner we move on to other possibilities.But you have to understand something here.The bones of a young boy were found about a hundred yards from the home of a man who molested a young boy in nineteen sixty-six.I don't care what kind of citizen he's been since then, we need to ask him some questions.And we will ask those questions.We have no choice.Whether we do it in your home right now or with your lawyer at the station with all of the news cameras waiting outside, that's going to be your choice." He paused.Trent looked at him with scared eyes."So you can understand our situation, Mr.Trent, and we can certainly understand yours.We are willing to move quickly and discreetly but we can't without your cooperation." Trent shook his head as though he knew that no matter what he did now, his life as he knew it was in jeopardy and probably permanently altered.He finally stepped back and signaled Bosch and Edgar in.Trent was barefoot and wearing baggy black shorts that showed off thin ivory legs with no hair on them.He wore a flowing silk shirt over his thin upper body.He had the same build as a ladder, all hard angles.He led them to a living room cluttered with antiques.He sat down in the center of a couch.Bosch and Edgar took the two leather club chairs opposite.Bosch decided to keep the lead.He didn't like the way Edgar had handled the door."To be cautious and careful, I am going to read you your constitutional rights," he said."Then I'll ask you to sign a waiver form.This protects you as well as us.I am also going to record our conversation so that nobody ends up putting words in anybody else's mouth.If you want a copy of the tape I will make it available." Trent shrugged and Bosch took it as reluctant agreement.When Bosch had the form signed he slipped it into his briefcase and took out a small recorder.Once he started it and identified those present as well as the time and date, he nodded to Edgar to assume the lead again.This was because Bosch thought that observations of Trent and his surroundings were going to be more important than his answers now."Mr.Trent, how long have you lived in this house?" "Since nineteen eighty-four." He then laughed."What is funny about that?" Edgar asked."Nineteen eighty-four [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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