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.The room was dim save for the flickering glow emanating from the hearth- Ferret continued to sharpen his knife.Suddenly Mari realized he was waiting-waiting for her to ask something."Tell me about the mage Morhion," she said finally."I need to know, to understand why Caldorien hates him so."Ferret set down the whetstone.He tested the dagger's edge with a thumb, spun the blade experimentally on a fingertip, and nodded in satisfaction.He scratched his stubbly chin thoughtfully, his dark eyes glimmering in the firelight."Hate is a simple thing, Man," he said finally in his raspy voice."If you hate someone, you act on it." He thrust the dagger into the wood of the table for emphasis.She flinched at the sudden motion."That's what I do anyway.Of course, I'm just a thief.But then, I think the same is true for anybody." He worked the dagger free and slipped it into a hidden sheath inside his brown tunic."But you know, I don't think Caledan does hate Morhion.After all, once they were the best of friends." He brushed the scar the knife had left on the surface of the table."It's just that sometimes old wounds are hard to erase."'Tell me, please," Mari said, leaning forward."I'm no storyteller."He started to rise, but Mari reached out and gripped his hand."Please."He looked at her in surprise, then shrugged and sat back down."You know about Kera?" For a moment Mari thought she saw a look of sorrow flicker across the thief's usually imperturbable face.But it was only the firelight, she supposed."Yes.Estah told me.Ravendas murdered her." "There's not much to tell after that," Ferret went on."After her army disbanded, Ravendas fled back to Dark-hold, the Zhentarim fortress in the Far Hills.Caledan followed.""But why?"“To kill her, of course.I was ready to go myself.I had my daggers all sharpened and poisoned." Ferret sighed wistfully."But Caledan forbade me, and I… well, I figured it was the least I could do, to obey his wishes.He wanted to punish Ravendas alone.I can't really blame him for that, though I myself wouldn't have minded sticking a knife in her." The thief's words sounded nonchalant, but there was a murderous look in his dark gaze that startled Mari."Caledan actually made it into Darkhold," Ferret continued."That's no mean feat, by the way.There isn't a fortress in a thousand leagues more heavily guarded.But there was one who ignored Caledan's orders and followed after him.""Morhion?" Mari whispered.Ferret nodded."The mage Morhion.And it was the fault of the mage that the two of them were discovered within Darkhold.They were forced to flee before Caledan could confront Ravendas.And by what secret route they managed to escape the fortress, I would give my left hand to know.There are any number of thieves who would pay quite a sum in gold in exchange for that particular information." "Why did Morhion follow Caledan to Darkhold?" Ferret shook his head.He didn't know."To help Caledan? To hinder him? Who can say, with the mage? Thieves may be treacherous, Mari, but at least with us you always know where you stand.No one ever really knew what Morhion's motives were, except himself, I reckon."Mari bit her lip in thought."So Morhion's actions prevented Caledan from gaining his revenge upon Ravendas?" "Exactly.""And Caledan has never forgiven the mage for that?" "Or himself."The two were silent for a time.Finally Mari reached out and touched the gouge that Ferret's dagger had made in the wood of the table."Estah will be mad at you for this, you know."The thief smiled, displaying crooked teeth."I know.But she'll forgive me."Mari paused a moment."Do you think Caledan will ever forgive Morhion?"Ferret gazed at her flatly."No."* * * * *Mari barely saw Caledan at all the next day.He shut himself in his room upstairs after breakfast and did not emerge [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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