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.Ryken deserved better, so much more than him and the threat hanging over his head.After tonight, he might never get this close to Ryken again.Crawling into the bed, invisible Saint stretched out beside Ryken.His mate’s warmth and clean musk surrounded him.Saint clenched his fists then forced himself to relax.This once he’d hold Ryken while he slept.Maybe chase away any bad dreams daring to intrude.Only for tonight he’d get to hold his mate in his arms, whisper sweet nothings in his ear.A low moan trembled from Ryken’s lips and Saint raised his head.Ryken’s eyes were closed, his teeth biting into his bottom lip as he took his now fully-hard cock in his palm.Through the darkness, he watched, vision clear as day, as Ryken stroked himself.Saint’s mouth dropped open, his breathing choppy, and his own body, though invisible, reacted to its mate’s call.On the bed in the pool house, flesh-and-blood Saint tugged on his jeans, fighting with the zipper until he had enough space to wiggle his hand down the front.He wrapped a palm around his rigid cock, arching into the pleasure.“Ryken.”“Takayo!”Ryken’s breathy cry froze Saint’s thrusting hips.For a split second he thought his mate had answered his blissful call.But no, Ryken’s eyes were still closed, his hand pulling furiously on his slick cock, thumb swiping across the head.Saint mimicked the movement on himself, squeezing his eyes at the sharp burst of fire shooting through his bloodstream.Ryken panted in the darkness, hips rocking.Soft mewls punctuated the movement of his wrist, his broken whispers tearing at Saint’s heart.“Takayo, yes.Please, make me come.Make me come.”Saint couldn’t breathe.The pressure in his balls transferred to his chest, stifling him.His skin prickled, the orgasm running up on him like a freight train.A last tug and he was coming, hot spunk filling his palm and flowing down his cock.Over the roaring in his head he made out his name, whispered from Ryken’s tight lips as his mate came as well.The spicy scent of Ryken’s cum reached his nose and Saint salivated.He pictured himself on his knees before Ryken, sucking down all that creamy confection.Ryken walked to his bathroom slowly, cleaned himself up then came back to the bedroom where he crawled into bed.His mate reeked of sadness, of defeat.Saint’s doing.He couldn’t be proud of all he’d done in the name of his job this time, not when he’d done this to his mate.Saint went to Ryken’s side again, wrapping invisible arms around his mate’s waist.Sleep claimed Ryken quickly.His breath evened out, body relaxed.Saint wished all Ryken’s nights could be like this, but more heartache and pain followed after tomorrow.The last time.He couldn’t stay around here, witnessing the despair he’d brought on Ryken.No, this would be his last night within the Valtes’ walls.The body in his arms shook, painful whimpers leaving Ryken’s throat as his head thrashed back and forth on the pillow.Saint didn’t have to penetrate his mind to know what was happening, the cloying tension spoke of it.A nightmare.Pressing a kiss to Ryken’s nape, he whispered to him in Japanese, flooding him with reassurance.“I’m here, my heart.Nothing can hurt you.Sleep, Ryken.I’ve got you, love”He rocked Ryken against him, almost like a child, his words hypnotic as he commanded his mate to rest easy, all was well.Ironic that he’d comfort his mate, here, tonight, only to destroy him tomorrow.Chapter SevenRyken looked at Saint from the corner of his eye.The bodyguard sat two seats away from him in the auditorium of the local high school, watching as Nathan wrapped up his last speech of the day.The gang of them had been on the road all day, traipsing behind Nathan.They’d attended one speech and a rally already.This would be the final stop.He couldn’t wait to get out of there.Saint’s silent demeanour unnerved him.Though Ryken couldn’t put a finger on it, he feared something had occurred when he’d left Saint the night before—the man had worn a decidedly grim countenance all day.A bit much, even for Saint’s usual cold attitude.His stomach rumbled and Ryken rustled the paper on his lap to hide the noise.He’d had a bite of toast this morning and a few cups of coffee throughout the day, but no substantial meal.He might not be capable of holding anything down with his nervous system in overdrive.This evening at dinner he planned to break up with David, confess his feelings for another man.For Saint.In the end it didn’t matter what the situation with Saint was—or wasn’t—Ryken couldn’t in good conscience keep stringing poor David along.The man deserved better than Ryken who lusted after someone totally unwilling to admit his feelings.A burst of applause snapped him out of his head.Nathan had finished his speech and was now flanked, as usual, by Saint wearing his hair loose around his shoulders.He was dressed in a black leather jacket, T-shirt, jeans and heavy boots, with his dark eyes covered in the standard aviators.Looking at Saint made Ryken ache—a physical pain on his skin and in his heart.Shaking his head, Ryken got to his feet and followed Tony outside to the car.Let Saint deny it all he wanted, the real picture was getting clearer and clearer.Ryken was on to his lying ass.He climbed into the SUV and, like before, Nathan sat beside him in the back seat, with the driver and Saint up front.Ignoring everyone, Ryken pulled out his phone and began browsing his social websites.He did his best to keep his eyes from straying over to the hulking figure Saint cut in the front.Nathan elbowed him in the ribs.Ryken inhaled sharply and stabbed him with a look.Grinning, Nathan glanced at Saint then Ryken with an eyebrow raised, a question on his face.Ryken shook his head in answer.No, nothing had changed between him and Saint.He’d remedy that tonight after he broke up with David.Turning forward, Nathan tapped on the back of Saint’s seat.“Mr St John, I have an assignment for you.”“Ah, sure,” Saint answered, voice low and growly.He didn’t turn around.“Anything you need.”Ryken bit his lip to stifle the scathing retort on the tip of his tongue.Anything for Nathan, but nothing for him? And Saint didn’t feel for Nathan, not the way he felt for Ryken.A childish reaction, so, instead of voicing it, Ryken swallowed the words and stared unseeing out of the window.The passing landscape, blushed with the colours of sunset, blurred.Frustration thrummed in his chest.“I want you to find the…leopards that killed my family.Bring them to me.” Nathan might have been going for smooth, but Ryken caught the tremor in his voice.Blinking moisture from his eyes, he turned to his brother.Nathan stared straight ahead, jaw tight.Straightening in his seat, Ryken grabbed his brother’s hand and squeezed.“You want them dead…or alive?”Nathan coughed.Eddie, the driver, chuckled.Ryken didn’t hide the small smile because he knew Saint was as serious as a heart attack.Glancing at the rear-view mirror, he noticed Saint’s face was a blank mask, waiting.The bodyguard lifted his chin, appearing to peer into the rear-view as well, but with the dark glasses Ryken had no idea who he was looking at.“Uh, thanks for the offer, Mr St John, but we best keep them alive.” Nathan met Ryken’s eyes and he shrugged in response.“All right, your call.When do you want me to start?”Nathan clasped his hands together.“Today would be good.Do you think you’ll need help? Ryken would be happy to assist you, I’m sure.”Nathan winked at Ryken who spoke up hastily, heart racing.“N-no, I won’t be available tonight.Maybe another time [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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